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marmite monster

rear spoiler air brake!

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has anyone ever tryed to hook up the rear spoiler to the brake peddal?

so when you hit the brakes hard it comes up like an air brake on a buggati veron?

i guess yu would need to speed up the motor quite a bit or convert it to run on conpressed air or somthing??


any idears??

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There was a debate on here not long ago, about how much drag the spoiler really does induce.


Can't remember who worked it out but it was found to have not a lot of effect.


Spose you could modify it and make it bigger somewhat, to make it more drag efficient.


Would be could to see though!

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i hear you but i mean it as a gadget effect,how cool would it be when some dumb ass gets in your car(non rado owner) and as you brake the spoiler flips up merc slr style!!! it would look cool when people are following you behind aswell.

just a thought.

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Sorry but I think its a pretty bad idea.


Under braking, i'm sure the effect of the Corrado spoiler is going to be absolutely minimal.. look at the shape of an SLR (nice and smooth and low) or Veyron - the braking aerofoil on those basically flips up to introduce a nice 90 degree angled interruption to airflow under braking.. that will obviously make a difference. Its going to help keep the rear of the car planted. The Corrado spoiler is narrow.. whilst I appreciate it may make some sort of difference to stability at speed, I think it would have almost no use for braking.


That and the spoiler mech on the Corrado is so slow that by the time you'd jumped on the brake, the spoiler would only just be fully deployed by the time you'd come to a stop. The SLR and Bugatti ones flip up very quickly.

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