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Attempted theft of S3..

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Well some people find it hard to handover keys to a car they saved there hard earned car for, to then let scum take it away, but I can see where your coming from mate...

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Time to debadge your cars guys as the thieve's wont know what exact model the car is as most cars stolen to order are very specific model wise it might slow them down.


I'm sorry...but I just don't think that's gonna work.


Cars like S3s, M3s, TTs RS4s and too many other high risk cars are just too recognisable.


Professional thieves (that's who we are speaking about here) do actually know a bit about the cars thay are nicking as they make their living out of knowing what to take.

Theres no way - for example - you'll ever convince someone a de-badged S3 is a simple A3...or a bodykitted A3 is a S3.

It only takes 20 seconds to look for the tell tales.


If you own cars like that...you have to learn to live with the fact that there are people who will harm you or your family to obtain what you work very hard to buy. That's a fact of modern living. I don't like it...but you are stupid if you aren't at least aware of it.


As far as I'm concerned, you need to invest in a tracker or similar, an alarm with anti-hijacking, or a mobile phone linked remote immobiliser...then let them have the car, call the police than have them collect your car.


It's not a nice thought...

But I'm allergic to pain...especially pain inflicted needlessly over a lump of metal...which *IS* insured.



These guys were lucky...I'm pleased they got away with minor injuries and the car untouched.

As time goes by, I think they'll look back and realise quite how lighlty they got off.

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I think punishment in this country is just way too light for the lowlifes who steal the things that we have worked so hard for and earned.


Yes the car might be insured, but all you are doing by handing over the keys is adding yet another statistic to the insurance and putting premiums up. Its a classic vicious circle, and the only people that lose out are us - the people buying the cars, and the people insuring them.


Punishment for car crime needs to be severe.. and the police need to stop spending their money on frigging speed cameras (and trying to catch out the general motorist) and spend more money on catching the scum who keep doing this to us.


Why dont they set up stings - fast cars with trackers and undercover coppers - car is stolen, car is tracked or the culprits are caught and nailed. If the crimes are happening in particular areas (such as in the lovely Coventry) the police just need to cruise about late at night in a pricey performance car. Surely they are eventually going to get jacked, and slowly but surely these people can be arrested and the crime ring can be smashed?

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Good call jim. Hearing stuff like that really annoys me and it's time the police took proper action against it. We should not have to live in fear of some lowlife scum trying to take our cars from us when we are in them. It's bad enough having to worry about it when it's parked in your garage or driveway. Thing is, most people (myself included) can't afford a tracker as they are getting shafted for insurance as it is because of these dirty thieving bastids. I'd fit one in a second if I could afford it, and get the blackjaxx feature on my clifford too.

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Let's be honest here - most of us can "afford" a tracker. We just don't, in the current climate, feel that it's a worthwhile investment. If you can afford to buy a car in the first place, having a tracker fitted is a small proportion of that cost. And the running costs of a tracker pale into insignificance compared to the running costs of our beloved Corrados...

But most of us believe that our cars fall into one of two camps:


1) too tatty to get nicked by the pros, so just wedge a good crooklok on it and the idiots won't try it

2) desireable car, but I live in an area with a low crime rate, so .. just wedge a good crooklok on it so the local idiots don't think about trying anything...


Anyone with a desireable car in a rough area needs to do more than this. At least a good CAT1..


Of course in an ideal world there would be no need for all this, but who'd want to live on the starship enterprise? No gravity = no grip for our beloved Cs!!! ;)


My 2p. :)


© 2003 social commentary for dummies.. ;)



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but who'd want to live on the starship enterprise? No gravity = no grip for our beloved Cs!!!


But how do they walk around if there's no gravity? :wink: :p

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The thing to do is get a system with a set of "duress keys". Basically a set of keys that's authentic looking - i.e. they're Audi, or VW genuine keys, that maybe open the car up, but won't let it start. Or maybe they'll let the car start *once* and never again.


If you're held up and asked for the keys when you're not in the car, just hand them over..


They'll drive off in the car, you'll be nice and safe, and when they take the keys out, the car won't start again and will be worthless to them. Of course it will have rung the police for you by this time... :)




Where do you get keys that let the car start once and once only??

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fao del68


the baton is legal.


a guy in ayrshire had a shop with all those kind of things... batons, nunchucks, swords and other crazy weapons.


the police confiscated the lot then were told that they had no right to do so and have to give the lot back.


im technically not carrying it

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Where do you get keys that let the car start once and once only??


You don't.


At the moment.


But it's the only way to deal with this situation - it's one of those things that's come out of the military. If someone's being tortured, they have to be able to give up some information that sounds plausible, or can be easily verified, without actually giving up the real deal.


So the best security model is simple: you need two authentication keys: one is something you carry with you, and the second is something you know. A password, or pass code for example. Then you have to deal with the situation where someone tries to force you to reveal your passcode - so you have to have a fore-mentioned duress code. This code should work, because otherwise the agressor is just going to come straight back to you and attack you again until you tell them the real code. Hence the concept above...


I think some alarm systems have the concept of a duress code, but no-one has come up with a duress KEY yet.

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Thats nasty Bally, hope he gets better, its not always the physical side tho, its mental scars aswell.


When i was working in the wonderfull world of Insurance, one of my customers in Bolton, had the same thing happen. A couple off guys casing his house for a few days, then one night, as he gets out of the car, a guy threatens him, he tells him where to poke it only to find 3 more guys hiding behind a hedge... he gave them keys, has to lay on the floor, but amazingly doesnt get hit... he rings the police, and as he is also in the industry, tells them where to expext the car to be as it didnt have much petrol, as he knows where a lot of the stolen cars go (they were commonly used for quick ram raids then dumped ), and lo and behold, the police find it dumped at the side of the road with an empty tank and a bit of damage to the interior.... the police also tell him they found a knife in the car, and cannot believe he didnt get hurt.


Then a mate borrows my old escort RS2000 (silver, shiney, lowered, alloys) to go to a wedding in Leeds, and finds a guy breaking the lock when he comes out of the house, after leaving the car for no more than 5 minutes... as normal he tells the guy to feck off, but gets surrounded... he threw the keys behind the twats, and as the scramble to get them, runs back to the house shouting out that the cars being nicked and they run off... what do the police say ?? ' they'll probably be back later and take it !!!! ' He had to tell the cops it would be a good idea to take a wheel off and disconnect the battery .... theay say.. yeah,... thats a good idea :shock:



the government need to act, or allow us shoot anyone that looks at us or our cars in a slightly wrong. way.. :D... or is that too extreme :D

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Hi Bish, cheers for the reply, I remeber that RS2k or yours... RIP..


cousins fine mate, he bearing up quite well, but it does wind me up knowing these scumbags are getting away with it :mad: cops are too busy half the time to even care, which is why we sometimes have to take the law in our own hands :roll:


Knowing that they are using guns etc makes it inpossible to no give in, and the fact that ther going as far as breaking into homes nad taking cars just makes me :mad:

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