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G60 Bottom end

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I am going to go for a big engine overhal in the next coupe of months and i was wondering what are the options for the bottom end.


I was going to look at the CNC head from g-werks and was wondering what options i have when it comes to the block. I wanted to go for somthing at the same time as the head and basically Have a new engine.


Is it worth going to 1940 bottom end or stick with the 1.8.


What kind of prices am i looking to pay?


Do they come with the internals, pistons etc




Chris Beavis

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It is worth going for the 1940cc option. But it's not cheap. You need a new set of Pistons, new crank, ARP Bolts, new head set etc etc etc plus the block needs to be overbored. This is quite an expensive option


You can go down the 1900cc route with just a set of pistons and get your block honed out which would be cheaper. Then the other nessaceries such as headset, head bolts etc But obviously there is no replacement for displacement!! lol


Cost wise - pass with the first but it won't be cheap. The second one, you'll be looking in the region of 1-2 grand by the time you've got all the silly little things. Plus labour if your not doing it yourself.


One thing when I built mine I noticed is that I went WAY WAY over budget just because of all the little extras you don't count on or find you need in the process. New bolts, things you missed, things you think "oh I'll just do that while I'm at it, it doesn't cost alot!!!! So I'd jsut say be prepared!

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What advantages are there with the more expensive option.


I just want a New big valve head from Darren and was wondering what the best match was for the bottom, not too interested in going to the extremes of the engine.


Just a nice reliable quick G60


I like the idea of a brand new engine in the bonnet,


Would it be worth finding a nice new block and put new internals in it, i think darren can provide a brand new block for about £900.


If so i might do that, just wondering if there is a performance option that is not silly money.


Would rather build another engine and put it in and keep the original head and block from my car together,


Not to interested in the 1.8t conversion at the moment.


I might go turbo in a couple of years so i want a nice flowing head and good bottom end so that i can take advantage if i ever get bored of the Supercharger.


Still looking for somewhere that will do a centrufugal (sp?) cluch for the supercharger that disengages at 3500rpm and keeps it spinning. Then i wouldn't mind the turbo G60 and run a small pully for the low down grunt and the turbo for the top end :)


But that's a little time off in the future.





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You really dont need another block though unless something is wrong with yours. There isn't really mush of an advantage to keeping your original head and block together. I would say the bigger advantage is keeping your original block and chassis together, saves you doing the DVLA paperwork!


The main advantage of the first option will be torque!!!


Cost options your best bet will be a new set of pistons that will take you to 1900cc that are available from Darren at G-Werks. They are a direct replacement to standard. Have your block honed out and change all the big end bearings, gaskets, bolts etc to give it that new engine build without having to buy a new block that unless is a problem with you just don't really need to!!!

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go to 1.9 mate! quite cheap to do if you go to the right people :wink:


Pistons will cost around £400 - £500 and a rebore and the other parts (bearing shells & gasket kit etc etc) will prob total £300 so around 800 - 900 all in for what would be practically a new 1.9 bottem end which will last for ages and give good power too!


use the 83mm pistons.. Iam sure the likes of G-werks can build an engine for you at the right price..

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83mm pistons?


Can anyone shed some light on what different pistons offer.


Are 2 sets of 83mm pistons from different companies different?





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Yup. Different companies use different piston designs...


My 83mm pistons from JMR give a compression ratio of 9:1 where Darrens give 8.5:1 (IIRC, it may be 9.5:1 and 9:1, but my brain's still mashed from the staff do... :oops: )

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Cheers Henny but could you tell me what that all means.


Why go for 9:1 over 8.5:1 or the other way round.


What are the benifits of a lower compression?


What is the compression on a standard G60?



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basically, the higher the compression, the more "bang per PSI" of boost you get... however, if you up the compression too high, you risk pre-detonation (pinking) and having to knock the timing back to compensate loosing potential power...


Standard compression is 8:1 (IIRC, although it may be 8.5 with daz's kit being 9 and mine being 9.5 I can't remember at the moment, to much wedding stuff on my mind... :oops: )

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