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Cleaning my Car!

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am thinking of spending at least today (possibly tomorrow too) cleaning the car


in my head process is :



Clay Bar





Right order? wrong order? should i do anything else?

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chamois? lol

remove tar


rubber dressing

dress tyres!


clean wiper blades.

wax under spoiler, inside all doorshuts and inside petrol cap!!

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Aye 8)


Always hose the car down from top to bottom first too,and treat your wheels first with your choice of cleaner,rinse them off and then...wash the car.



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Aye 8)


Always hose the car down from top to bottom first too,and treat your wheels first with your choice of cleaner,rinse them off and then...wash the car.




OOOOOO the waterless valeters wont like you saying that :lol: haha.

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chamois? lol

remove tar


rubber dressing

dress tyres!


clean wiper blades.

wax under spoiler, inside all doorshuts and inside petrol cap!!


whats that.. a list of how to wash the car? i presume you mean to chamois the car dry after washing?


Basically if your looking at doing a full on detail then this should be the order


pre rinse whole car

clean wheels and rinse

spray car with detergent and rinse

shampoo and rinse

clay and rinse









That way your not going to undo any work you have already done.

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yeah you spot on for order there. Sometimes i shampoo again after clay and sometimes i just rinse the car down with water.


Cheers!!! must admit the order i used did come from reading through your threads.


Wasnt going for a full detail, but just using some products i was given for xmas.


anyway, i rinsed the car with the hose, then shampood the car with Autoglym Body Work Shampoo Conditioner twice as it was stupidly dirty after not being cleaned for a while.


Then used the Meguirs Quick Clay (was amazed just how dirty it got when it just seems to glide on the spray)


Shampood the car again, chamoised dry.


while it was still drying i cleaned the glass with Autoglym Glass Cleaner


To finish i used Autoglym Super Resin Polish.


All i can say is WOW! And thats just with my very limited ability and a couple of hours!


Also worth a mention i used a wash mit and microfibre cloths to polish etc..


Pics will follow when i get round to uploading them.


Now just the interior to be given a seeing to tomorrow!!

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chamois? lol

remove tar


rubber dressing

dress tyres!


clean wiper blades.

wax under spoiler, inside all doorshuts and inside petrol cap!!


whats that.. a list of how to wash the car? i presume you mean to chamois the car dry after washing?


Yeah!? :roll: I always chamois then wash the car. hoovering the paintwork last usually works wonders too. LOL


It was just a list of 'anything thing else'..like he asked, im not gona insult the guy by assuming he doesnt know how to use water or a chamois etc..

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Jedi Knight - Have you ever thought about selling the materials you use in kits? Its just that i reckon with the people that you cant reach due to distance then they might be interested in buying the materials you use to do such a good job that you seem to do. Thought i'll put it out there, you make money from people that you wouldnt be able to visit, make money on the materials that you buy at trade prices and everyone gets a good bit of kit? Just an idea as it would appeal to me :)

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