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G60 - Started to Cut out....?

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I have started to have a problem with the rado, i have noticed that on cold startup occasionally it sounds as if its running on 2 cylinders for around 5 - 10 seconds.. runs really rough.. then goes away.


Also when driving home last night it cut out on my 3 times, it only seems to cut out completely when the revs are dropping down to idle or at low revs.. almost as if it was stalling when pulling away etc..


I am just wondering if the problem lies with maybe a broken ISV.. ( its been cleaned a few times now)


The BTS i have is from Euro car parts, so this maybe faulty aswell..?


Another thing is that when its Raining i have noticed that the car doesnt idle as well as it does when its dry conditions...?? (750 - 800rpm in the wet & 850 - 900rpm in the dry conditions??)


Could it be that all this is linked with one problem?? i wanna catch this problem before it starts to be a real pain in the backside..

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If its misbehaving when the air is damp I'd start looking at the electrics, dizzy cap, plugs leads, etc.

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hmmm.. yeah thats what i thought... gotta be something like that.. the dizzy and arm are new.. the only thing that isnt that new is the leads which are maybe 18 months old now... they are the GSF Beru items..


I just started the car again just now to see if i could pin point anything.. one thing i did notice is that it seems to be over fueling on startup? i can smell the distinct smell of petrol for the first for seconds.. this should surely point towards the BTS??

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Yeah - misbehaviour in the rain is quite often dodgy HT leads..


Good way to test that is get a water spray bottle when its dry, start the car, and spray it over the leads.. you should get a fairly quick response!


My recent experiences with a bad ISV made me realise that they can behave in very odd and unpredictable ways so are certainly worth checking thoroughly before ruling them out.. I could start my car from cold fine, let it sit and idle, even rev the engine a few times etc but as soon as I drove and dipped my foot on the clutch before coming to a stop would cut out. Some days it was ok, some days it was not. I always thought an ISV would just be ALWAYS bad but mine was not - so definately worth borrowing a spare off someone to test, or buying a cheap one off eBay!


As for the BTS.. well pattern part copies are known to be bad sometimes. I don't remeber who it was but someone on here went through 3 bad ones from GSF I think before getting a good one! And obviously a BTS can affect running on the G60 quite badly..

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Yeah - misbehaviour in the rain is quite often dodgy HT leads..


Good way to test that is get a water spray bottle when its dry, start the car, and spray it over the leads.. you should get a fairly quick response!


My recent experiences with a bad ISV made me realise that they can behave in very odd and unpredictable ways so are certainly worth checking thoroughly before ruling them out.. I could start my car from cold fine, let it sit and idle, even rev the engine a few times etc but as soon as I drove and dipped my foot on the clutch before coming to a stop would cut out. Some days it was ok, some days it was not. I always thought an ISV would just be ALWAYS bad but mine was not - so definately worth borrowing a spare off someone to test, or buying a cheap one off eBay!


As for the BTS.. well pattern part copies are known to be bad sometimes. I don't remeber who it was but someone on here went through 3 bad ones from GSF I think before getting a good one! And obviously a BTS can affect running on the G60 quite badly..


The symptoms you have just described about the ISV is exactly the symptoms i have jim!! almost identical! it doesnt always play up, just occasionally.


As for the BTS i am just gunna bin it and get VAG item.. :D Anyone got the VAG part number??

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well i have changed it anyway... i would rather have a vag sender on there anyway tbh... :D


also changed the leads and checked the relays which seem to be working ok upon removing plastic casing...


The only other thing to check / replace is the ISV.. which i think is the main problem! either that or remove it all together!! :D

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If it helps, another characteristic of my ISV was that sometimes when letting off the throttle the engine would overrev (almost like the throttle cable was sticking) - and typically if it did that, it was going to cut out as soon as the revs dropped back down.


I used to get bouncing revs on idle (like 1000RPM, sharp drop to nearly 0, flickering battery light like it was about to cut out, bounce back up, and so on) - sometimes a quick rev of the engine might clear it, most times it would not.


It was a really frustrating month or so that I had this problem as I just couldn't bring myself to fork out for a new ISV at over £100 and I wanted to eliminate cheaper problems first. Most signs really pointed at an air leak but Tempest was adament that it was ISV from the off, and he was right!

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Get a few ISVs from your local scrappie, as new they're quite expensive. I had to go through a few before I had one that offered any improvement.



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well I had an interseting day!!! the bloody thing broke down whilst i was collecting some parts for work!! had to get by Bro to tow me home, NOT FUN!!!


Anyway after about 10 mins of checking absolulety everything it turned out the green wire that connects to the coil was hanging off! every time i accelerated the engine moved the wire away from the coil hence why it cut out.. The relief that it was something as silly as that! :lol:


Still gunna looking into changing that ISV tho , its never been 100% tbh, gunna try and find a decent secondhand item from somewhere.

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Hm, too much play in the engine mounts, then? Possibly time for some new ones.


But at least you nailed the problem down :-)



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yeah the rear mounts are shot! i have new ones in the garage... the weather hasnt been very DIY outside as of late...LOL

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