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1st rado for me

Oil warning light

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HI Guys


Suddenly I have started to get my oil warning light flash up , it is not all the time but more when under heavy load.


I have checked oil level which seams to be fine.

I do have a leak in my radiator could this be affecting the oil pressure?


Any ideas where to start would be greatly recieved.


I did not really want to start rebuild on the engine just yet I was looking at replacing every componant of my suspension first.



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i had the same problem, and after replacing the 2 presure sensors, the problem was the oil bomb , i replaced it and it runs fine

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so to be stupid what is the oil bomb?

They look a bit like this



As said above though. Seems to happen quite a bit, and more often than not it's the white pressure switch/sender thingy on top of the filter head. Don't rely on that, though... Could always be something more serious.

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