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VR6 - Sudden rattling noise whilst driving

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Hey guys, I have searched through recent posts in the hope of gathering info regarding my problem.


Whilst out driving on friday night and driving my VR like it was intended i realised there was a louder noise coming from the engine. Firstly before the new noise my chains were always slightly rattly and this never worried me! However whilst building up the revs suddenly it sounded like the chains were extremely loud. I limped the car over lifted the bonnet and it sounded almost as if the chains had become instantly louder.


I had to start and move the car on the weekend and it starts and runs fine once the revs have settled (rattly when revs are high tho) and when i moved it around without touching the accelerator it was fine however once the revs reach 1000rpm or so the extrememly loud noise begins to come back.


Im no mechanic however when i popped the bonnet and the revs were held at 2k it sounded as if the noise was coming from under the timing chain cover (or could this just be the top of the engine?? cams etc..?)


Ive read posts and people have suggested oil pumps to fix a rattly noise and on the other hand Ive read post wher people describe that the chains are screwed when they start rattling at 1200rpm...


Can anyone shed any light? Many thanks


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Sounds expensive. I wouldn't drive it till you can get a professional to take a look, frankly.

Could be something simple, but it could also be that your rattly timing chains made it slip a tooth on the cam timing (rare but not impossible), or one of the chain guides just snapped. How many miles on the engine?

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Thanks sorry forgot to give info on the car, its a '93 k reg with 140k, limited history unfortunately and no records of the chains being done.


Could it be the oil pump?



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Thanks sorry forgot to give info on the car, its a '93 k reg with 140k, limited history unfortunately and no records of the chains being done.


Could it be the oil pump?


Possibly. But then, you'd have seen the oil pressure warning light on. Either way, you don't wanna drive it, do ya?

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I am sure you have been reading about my problems and yours sounds weirdly similar.


My chains have been done REALLY recently though.


My oil warning light / buzzer hasn't gone off. Oil pressure is however at 10-15psi which is very low.


I would try and hook up a mechnical oil pressure guage to the top of the oil filter housing (where the oil pressure switches are at the front) to see what your actual oil pressure is.


If it is low, then more than likely you are notr getting enough oil to the top of the engine and the chains / lifters etc are moaning about it.


Check you oil filter for blockage also.


If you do not know if the chains have ever been changed though, then this is a likely culprit for the noise i.e worn tensioners.

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Cheers guys, its going into Grant motorsport so he can have a look it. He will carry out a oil pressure test first and go from there, think thats my bet bet! Cheers.

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Well my new oil pump is going on tomorrow (weather permitting) so hopefully that will sort my problems.


Let us know how you get on and what you find out.

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