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To switch or not to switch?

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I'm after your opinions people for the following Corrado dilemma:


I bought a G60 (Shilakadaddy's red one) in September last year, which I've been really enjoying as an upgrade to my previous 16v.


My younger brother has asked if he can buy it off me for the price I paid, as he is after a corrado and can only get his insurance switched(policy still got 9 months left) to a 16v or G60, not VR6 due to a age restriction of 21. (He is a speed freak so 16v won't do)


Now, I'm only 20 so insurance was sorted by Brentacre on a modified policy. I've phoned them and John can change my policy to a VR6 with no extra charge - except £25 admin.


So, do I buy a VR6 (there are a couple with leather that look nice on the forum) for about £1500 extra, as a kinda favour to my brother. My G60 has about 190bhp so performance not too different I imagine. I kinda feel that I haven't had the G60 long enough to pass it on (only had 4 months) and that the VR6 will simply cost me more in fuel and not give me more enjoyment for the extra outlay. I am fortunate to have the extra cash, so spending it is not a problem in itself.


What does everyone think I should do???


PS Sorry to re ignite the age old G60vs VR6 debate... :oops:

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surely if your G is slightly modified to put out 190bhp then fuel consumption will be on par with a vr6 anyways?!


I know mine compares fuel wise with my mates vr6 in average/hard driving.

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If Brentacre can switch you to a VR6 for £25, it would be rude not to really!


Make sure you test drive several examples first as they can vary in performance and handling considerably, which is usually down to poor maintenance in the case of the bad examples.


Don't be sucked into the whole leather and interior goodies trap..... go for the VR6 that drives the best and feels the tightest (i.e untampered with). The rest can be added later on, but a good base car is more essential.


Good luck!

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If you're not really fussed about switching, then don't do it just "as a favour to your brother". However, if you do really fancy a VR6, then maybe this is a good way of switching?


Just my tuppence worth!

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Ah excellent, glad to see it back on the forum :)


Your car made 197bhp @ Well Lane back when the FMIC was fitted. I always thought it had the potential for more power with the mods done to it, just needed setting up properly... wanted to visit G-Werks one day, however they're not exactly close to me, so it never happened :(


Anyway, if I were you I'd do as Kev said and try having a drive of a few VR6's to see if you prefer them. Although the power between your car and a standard VR6 is very similar, they feel completely different! A mate of mine now has a VR6, and I love the sound of it, but it just feels far too tame in comparison to the G60.

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