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Might be getting a VR!

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Firstly im back at work due to the better weather :)

I was at work today and one of the bricklayers said he liked my Valver and how his wife has a VR6 and is thinking of selling it. She picked him up from work in it....its mint! She let me take it for a drive, only for a couple of miles but its awsome! The roar of a VR is out of this world :) She got it 2 years ago but due to 2 great dane dogs its not proving the most practical of cars, the other car is an old escort van thats full of tools so she wants to sell the VR for a Passat estate. Thing is it would mean me selling mine. Now i have spent more than £1000 in 6 weeks on her getting all the niggles fixed and getting her running like new. One big thing that puts me off is that i know im not going to get my money back on her. She is in pristine condition and everything works, even the sunroof being a glass moonroof.....£412 to get fixed and fitted! New plugs, dizzy cap, rotor arm, magnetec 10/40 oil, oil filter, air filter, battery....£88! Exhaust mid section, large silencer and a stainless back box.... New O.Z black alloys with Yoko tyres....Kenwood CD head unit, kenwood door speakers, kenwood dash speakers....the list goes on and on with all reciepts to prove....do i keep her or sell for the VR?

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I was in a similar situation a while back, just spent £1.5k on cyl head rework, new wheels & lots of other bits on my valver, realised I needed to spend a load more on suspension etc, but it would still be a valver!

Bought a nice VR6, swopped over the nice bits - steering wheel, stereo, speakers, lights etc so I now have a nicer VR which I am very pleased with!


If your valver is now up together then it will be alot easier to sell than if it wasn't. This is quite important with cars of this age. Go on, do it! VR's are great fun and worthy of restoring. Don't take any notice of the 'high running costs' as they are very similar, just 2 extra spark plugs and a splash more oil. Fuel consumption was the same for me 27-30 mpg

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Buy it off her as cheap as you can anyway. Then decide!!

You stand to make a profit eitherway if shes unaware of its value!!!! :-).

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Yeah, but... take the blinkers off and really go over the VR with a fine-toothed comb. I seem to remember your valver was plagued with small but expensive problems and you don't want the same thing happening again. Especially with the engine, cos they are expensive things to fix, chains etc. Thing is, you don't have to buy this particular VR6 unless it's the right car at the right price. There'll be another one along in a minute, so it might be better to be patient and make sure it's the one you really want rather than diving into it and repenting at leisure.


Sorry to be cautious, but I'm guessing you don't want to find yourself throwing a load more money into another 'rado again. If it's pukka and the right price and you can afford to do it, why not? But if your valver's sorted, you could always drive it and enjoy it for a while and then get a VR6 somewhere down the line if you still want to.


Jeez, I must be getting old. I've turned into the voice of reason :roll:

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I can still remember when I were only 65 though, impetuous I was. I'd drink two pints a night sometimes and once clocked over 65 mph on motorway. Admittedly I've calmed down a bit now :-)

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go for it... by all accounts VR's are the beast to have... if you don't do it now, you'll only regret it... and probs want one sooner rather than later anyway..

Is she wanting top whack for it? or is it a good price? if its top wack then take a scan around at others.. Tidy valvers seem to fly out of the autotrader anyway so i'm sure you wont have a problem shifting it! ;)

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Buy it off her as cheap as you can anyway. Then decide!!


agreed.. 8)


0% balance transfer and save like hell for a while so you pay some of it off when that runs out.


run both for a bit, decide which you like and if you've saved enough then keep the best one forever and enjoy the other one as your daily..! :twisted: :D

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Don't do it!!!


I had another car a while ago (im not going to say what) and i spent £1500 on it within 10 months, i then sold it for another car, thinking i'd spent too much on mine to spend anymore. I've now got the Rado and i was thinking of selling up for a VR6 in the summer, but ive recently spend just under £1000 on the valver. So if its now running nicely and looking good then why not keep it. Ok its a valver, but there are turbo/16v G60/engine swap options

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