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Richard Hammond Much You Have to Learn - mmmmm

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The one and only 'Slammin Sammy Miller' RIP


In 1984 he reached 386mph in 3.58sec within the specified quarter mile.

To this day it is the fastest drag run in history. So Vanishing Point is almost certainly the fastest accelerating device that can have any claim to being a car.


Every time Sammy drove it, his nose and ears bled!



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that name rings a bell. Their was a drag racer employed by USAF to test ejector seats for planes on a rocket powered sled. The G detached his retinas!!

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That was John Stapp. he was the guy that parachuted from space. the highest freefall in history. At the edge of space you fall in silence as there is so little air to fall through.


he was interested in pilot survival at high G impacts. He was interested in rapid deceleration the sleds were fired then braked through water to stop in a few feet. He still holds the record for the highest G impact test. You are correct it did detach his retinas. He was left with a permanet hole in his vision.

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Ah Vanishing Point.... remeber seeing it at BugJam years ago....


One of my mates described it down the pub a few weeks later as:


"Bang, Bang, fuc*ty-eye, Bang! Damn things dissapears and you're left with this huge plume of white smoke that ripped the sh*t out of your eyes"


Was truely spectacular... did a numbr of runs that week-end all followed by 1/2 the crowd with their heads in buckets of water washing the Hydrogen Peroxide cloud it produced out their eyes (didn't have the mix right or something!).... But not popular with the startline crew at the posd as it also ripped the srface prep clean off!


The Greens would have an epi-Joey-fit (for any-one over 30 this means something) if you did that today!

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That was John Stapp. he was the guy that parachuted from space. the highest freefall in history. At the edge of space you fall in silence as there is so little air to fall through.


I was reading something about this the other week, but it's claimed Joseph Kittinger made the highest jump at 102,800 feet:



Some insane footage of his jump on youtube

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Hmmm Seems yas is correct.


I was thinking of the guy who's glove was leaking... Ya got to love that jump from way above n beyond. A British guys was o try n beat it last year but guess it didn't happen :?:

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