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Bored - Tell us your road/corrado stories

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Boy oh boy its been a boring week so far and set to continue in the same vein. People are talking about getting rid of thier Corrados on the forum and I can see mine sat there not getting any younger and wondering if it will make it to my next important meeting, or if I'll be left at the roadside calling out the rac.


So its been a while since I saw any funny or interesting stories on here, be it in the Corrado or not; just road related. Anyone miffed with speed humps, speed cameras, chavs, mobile phone users? you name it. Alternatively if you have an interesting story of how you came to buy your corrado or maybe had a fun journey in it you wish to share...


As for me, Ive seen nothing really new, except one thing and I was in a rush to get to work. Leaving the M6 I saw plod a few cars back so took note of him. Ahead from another road onto the roundabout I saw a Nissan 350z with his hazzards flashing. I was going to flash him when I realised his alarm was going off. Next thing plod comes up the inside of me and pulls 350z over futher up; you could see the middle-aged bloke jibbering on; you can only guess hat his excuse was. Plod took the usual stance of putting on his hat can coat and slowly walking upto the car.


Stu 8)

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I saw my first car yesterday.


10 years ago, I got banned in it. I left a message on his car. He has not called.


And he's turned it into a chavmobile and sold my lovely lovely Cobra recliners that cost me a months wages.




(On an unrelated note, I'm so hungover it's incredible. Only endless watching of Alan Partridge can help me now)

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I managed to prang my Rado without even being sat in it :(


Scene 1) Whilst at work i was parked next to a wall and was checking all fluid levels.


Scene 2) Work mate walks up and says "You mind if i sit in it"?

"Go for it" i exclaimed.


Scene 3) Much "fiddling" is done inside by said work mate before alighting from

vehicle. This is followed by mucho comments on interior/exterior

condition before walking off.


Scene 4) Having not observed what "fiddling" was done, i duly reached in and

fired the engine up and to my horror, panic & suprise he had put it in

gear and as my front wheels were turned, my lovely ickle C turned

into the wall scraping the side of the front bumper and scraping &

denting the flared bit of the wing by 2 inches :shock:


Scene 5) WHAT THE ****!!!!! :mad2: :mad: :evil: :twisted:

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I was always taught to check it's not in gear before starting up ;)


I can't think of any stories at the moment, but here's one I suppose.


Not long after passing my test, every morning I would wake up and look out the window at the corrado to make sure it's fine. One day I went to do it, at about 10AM (I worked nights) and the car was gone :shock: Me absolutely crapping myself, jumped into my dressing gown and legged it outside, only to see the car up the road a bit. Turns out my dad had moved it so he could get his car up the drive.


Although I do recall ChrisVr6 nosky + H8RRA having an hilarious story involving a loose wheel and cricket stumps...

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yesterday i felt blessed


i got to work in the corrado a little bit late (10mins)


someone had taken my usual parking space out the front of office, where normally only i park, (i do it out of protest as the road to the actual car park is cack)


anyway, i had to park round the back due to this van in my spot.


10mins later the brakes failed on a 10 tonne side loading forklift thingy and it rolled into this van, 99% of the time i'm parked exactly there, it would of crushed my corrado


normally i have bad luck, so was pretty happy about that

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The funniest thing I remeber was when I took my old Rado to a police kids charity thing where you handed in an easter egg and got your alloy wheels engraved with your registration number - for security like! Anyway the copper drove my car into the garage to start doing the wheels, and then when he drove it back out said "God.. the driving position in that thing is awful! I've driven a lot of cars in my time but that is really uncomfortable!" - I was really surprised given how much praise the Corrado got from "folks in the know" in its lifetime.. I just ignored him and drove off!

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Jim, my dad's got arthritis, so it can be kinda funny watching him try and get out of mine.


"I bloody hate getting into this thing" :lol:

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MAVE-- the irony is i to was always taught to check if its in gear b4 starting it up, and always check b4 doing so. A valued lesson learnt. Never start a car when your not sat inside lol!!


HERISITES--- the thought had crossed my mind. However i had to take partial blame coz i shoud have checked it wasnt in gear!

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Yeah my mum always complains about my car and how difficult it is to get in and out of. Amusingly, whenever i've taken my 84 year old gran to the shops she just clambers in and out of it without so much as a complaint and often says "You drive very well James" - haha :)

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There was this one time back in about 2003 I was coming down the d-carriageway into Bournemouth when a kiddie in a maxxed-up Impreza Turbo (white with gold wheels) came hooning up behind me *very* quickly (I wasn't exactly hanging about myself).


I was stuck in traffic but that didn't stop him bumpering me - pretty aggressive & unnecessary stuff considering the traffic really, but eventually I managed to pull over to let him past.


Anyway he blatted past me with his 4" exhaust blaring full song. He can't have got more than about 200 yards in front of me when lo! - acrid white smoke suddenly starts billowing from the exhaust, engine blown to feck...


Laugh? I had tears all the rest of the way home...

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And then there was the time I was in the car park at Asda, and a lazy cow decided to plonk her handbag right on the roof of a Jaguar which was parked next to her own car, while she put her shopping into the boot of her own (adjacent) car.


The bloke who owned the Jaguar arrived back to find a handbag dropped on the middle of his expensive roof, and promptly picked it up and tossed the handbag way across the car park, scattering it's contents everywhere.


That one was hilarious... absolute quality...

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Oh, and then there was the kiddie in the Civic Type-R I was following through Verwood just after Christmas.


As we came up to some traffic lights he decided to drop the hammer on the yellow light, and shot through it at full bore just after the lights went red, leaving me on the red lights.


Shame he didn't see the marked Trafpol which was right behind me... blues & twos straight on & over they went after him. I passed them both about 400yds down the road, with Officer Dibble already "in conversation" through the drivers window.


Sometimes I think there is a God, and he puts these ejuts on the earth purely to provide entertainment for me...

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lol - all quality stories John! Never had anything like that sort of stuff happen to me!


My trip home from work takes me past a conference facility and over the junction to a major A road - LOADS of people come through here on the way other other places, and being as most of them are rep folks they just sit staring ahead, never letting traffic out despite quite often literally stopping and blocking junctions, etc - it drives me mad and achieves nothing - just adds to the gridlock.


Anywho I came to one of the more notorious junctions and i'd had a guy in a BMW behind me the whole way like inches from my bumper, obviously eager to get home - I stopped and flashed some cars out and he had the nerve to beep his horn at me. For some reason my immediate reaction was just to swing up my left hand and give him the middle finger.. his reaction was HILARIOUS.. he started bouncing around in his seat shouting only what I could assume were obscenities.. he was swinging off the steering wheel, and the car was virtually rocking from side to side such was his rage. I'd never seen anything like it! He proceeded to turn off onto the aforementioned A road and I drove off down the lanes home laughing my head off.. it was brilliant!

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Yeah my mum always complains about my car and how difficult it is to get in and out of. Amusingly, whenever i've taken my 84 year old gran to the shops she just clambers in and out of it without so much as a complaint and often says "You drive very well James" - haha :)


LOL i get this too!! My dad moans about how uncomfortable my C is but when i take my gran to the shop etc, she always gets out and tells me how comfortable the C is!!

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I had some plank in an R32 skyline sat up my exhaust, I slowed down a little as he overtook me around the outside of a blind bend and shot of into the distance like a cat on fire. No more than 3 miles down the road were some pretty thick skiddies on the road and the same skyline upside down in a field.

Checked to make sure everyone was ok, laughed my ar$e off and drove away.

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Then there was also this incident back in 2001 when myself and a large group of the Corrado Club guys were on thier way into GTI International up at RAF Bentwaters.


We were just passing the water tower, no more than ½ a mile from the gate, enjoying the sunny Saturday and the prospect of a great show when BOOM! this plonker in a MkII G60 when ca-hoooning past us doing at well over 100mph, overtaking on the chevron'd turning area and throwing all manner of stones, shyte& general dust in through the windows of our cars...


With our cars all covered in stones and ourselves all covered in crap, we all considered finding him and beating seven bells out of him inside Bentwaters, but we needn't have bothered... a marked Five-0 with a radar gun had seen the whole thing from the roundabout outside the base gate, radar'd him and was preparing to sheep-shag issue a ticket to the G60 as we passed him.

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( I have loads of these stories)


... there was the time I wrecked my o/s wheel and trackrod when I hit a kerb in central Bournemouth whilst "distracted" by a very pretty girl who was walking into Bar Med - oh hang on... that wasn't funny... it cost me over £200 to fix...

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And the time that I got my directions to AmD in Bicester all wrong while leading a convoy and 14 other members of the Corrado Club all followed me into Bicester village instead (what berks - they should have known my sense of direction was crap)

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And the time in 2005 I undertook a "temporary fix" to the lower door seal of M100VRG by judicious use of some superglue to fix the rubbers back to the bottom of the door.


The fix worked fine, but I forgot I left the tube of glue on top of the seat and glued my arse (with superglue!) to the drivers seat when I jumped in to go out 5 minutes later...

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My mates had one similar to Jims where this guy was sitting right on his bumper so my mate just gave him the customary finger and the guy went nuts. Now considering his girlfriend was driving this guy was still trying to climb out of the drivers window bouncing around like mad!


Eventually he passed my mate and gave him a shall we say an unpleasent gesture so when my mate overtook him he returned the gesture and this guy lost it, bouncing around trying to get out the car while it was moving, he was going proper nuts, hammering at the windows.

I've never laughed so much when he told me!!

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