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My Pearl Ghey 16v Gone :( - Introducing "Annie"

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So after 3 months of fighting the ruddy DVLA over where my V5 has gone...


Yes we have it, but were bogged own with new reg issues

Yes I can see we have it but not sure what's happened to it...

Sorry we haven't got it at all... You'll need to re-submit a V5, we'll send a letter to your old address in 2-3 weeks of recieveing this, and if we haven't had a reply after 4 weeks we'll issue a new V5!


Went and spent 1.5 hrs queuing at local DVLA office and have a new tax disc and will have to waiti agin for V5 as only Swansea can do these :( . Also told I could either pay for the 3 months missing tax, or that their "enforcement" dept will be in touch about the fact it's not been taxed since end of March and not SORN'd either ... OH FFS2!


Still I now can leagally drive it again!


So apart from a very flat Battery, what else can I expect to be wrong when I try and wake it from it's slumber this weekend?


Dont get me started of fecking DVLA! mind you i think every1 has been is some sorta posisition where THEY have lost OUR v5's!!!

anyway watch out for sticking callipers, best of all give her a good old drive before a proper blast to blow the cob webs out!

nice mk1 convertable btw! 8)

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So after 3 months of fighting the ruddy DVLA over where my V5 has gone...


Yes we have it, but were bogged own with new reg issues

Yes I can see we have it but not sure what's happened to it...

Sorry we haven't got it at all... You'll need to re-submit a V5, we'll send a letter to your old address in 2-3 weeks of recieveing this, and if we haven't had a reply after 4 weeks we'll issue a new V5!


Went and spent 1.5 hrs queuing at local DVLA office and have a new tax disc and will have to waiti agin for V5 as only Swansea can do these :( . Also told I could either pay for the 3 months missing tax, or that their "enforcement" dept will be in touch about the fact it's not been taxed since end of March and not SORN'd either ... OH FFS2!


Still I now can leagally drive it again!


So apart from a very flat Battery, what else can I expect to be wrong when I try and wake it from it's slumber this weekend?


Dont get me started of fecking DVLA! mind you i think every1 has been is some sorta posisition where THEY have lost OUR v5's!!!

anyway watch out for sticking callipers, best of all give her a good old drive before a proper blast to blow the cob webs out!

nice mk1 convertable btw! 8)

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Cheers Chap...


Nothing happened over the weekend re-Rado as was too taken up self-moving, and driving the 2nd worst Transit ever.. V-max empty 50.. full 35-40 :shock: Oh and a set of "Exploding" jump leads... the croc clips managed to break when I eventually found them! So a new set of those needs to be purchased too.


Will get it alive this week and hopefully sort anything from there....

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hehe! if you need a hand - give me a shout! - i hate jump leads - melted gems old clio battery a few years back - to this day i still dont know how!

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IT LIVES.. cheers Mark (jonesmark12) for coming over last night with leads and air compressor... :salute:


Jumped fine, slightly worried initally as we hooked the cars up and nothing on my dash, no LCD, no ign. light, no alarm... after a minute or so got a bleep from the Clifford, so with fingers crossed stuck the key back in, disabled the alarm and..... First time! Vrooom! :cheers:


Left her running for a few minutes whilst pumped up the dodgy OSF tyre (only goes flat if the car's not used for a while? Stay fine if I use it... Time for a pair of Toyos on the front I think).. then the moment of truth... 3 months with the handbrake on! Was expecting to have to give it beans and dump the clutch to try and break a frozen handbrake... nope, she released fine! :cheers:


So off we set with Mark following with jump leads etc, and to watch for anything amiss... me waiting for something to happen... bit of left foot braking on the main roads to clean up the discs and all seems fine, she accelerates when asked to (Initally a couple of small puff of smoke but I'll take that) stops when I jump on the anchors...


Got her home again, left her running another couple of minutes, switched off, tried to re-start and clicky clicky... nothing!



Oh well the least I could have expected is to have to buy a new battery! So off to get one this week and all seems good (touches as much wood as possible) for the weekend.... Will treat her to a full Valet over this week too! :afro:

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Battery's on hold until payday as the one I want is £90! So poor Charlie the Cabby has donated his for the moment.


Well Sunday came, and I treated her to a full tank of super (ouch!) and of we went to Brands... Not a beat mised there, stormed along the A-roads and Motorways... Averaged 35mpg over to 130 or so miles... not bad considering I was giving her a real run out back trying to catch up the rest of teh guys who left just as I got out the loo.. only to find they'd gone the other way and got caught in traffic!...


I probably pushed her as hard as ever through some of the twisty stuff and harder through some of the dual carridgeway/roundabouts probably inspired by John's tyre smoking antics in the morning.


Got home and finally I'd decided on a name...only taken me 18months... but she's now called Foxy as her plate ends Foxtrot Golf Papa.....


So now time to get onto that arm-long list of jobs, which I've just added a clicking CV joint and an anemic fan, and teh Moonroof's come right up teh scale after a neck-full of water Saturday after washing her...

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So now time to get onto that arm-long list of jobs

wheels jon, you've got to sort the wheels!! :D

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So now time to get onto that arm-long list of jobs

wheels jon, you've got to sort the wheels!! :D


They're in there mate they're in there... along with KR cam... exhaust... coilies... rob a bank... Seat Ibza Cupra brakes....turbo... Grey Leather/ Recaros... Bodywork.... and on and on....

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its alive! wicked the dvla finally stopped pleasuring themselves with your rolled up v5 and returned it! :lol: look forward to seeing it again next week, any of the wish list going to be appearing for the scorcher?

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May try and get the wheels on this weekend.. depends how much time I spend up at the folks seeing the old man.. :(

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Been Far too long since any updates here.. thing is apart from running her there's not much to report.


Done a Moonroof transplant.. still needs adjusting as wasn't an estate roof as was told :(


And fianlly got on with the wheels this weekend.. inspired by the Nice weather...


Starting: Corrosion and lose paint stripped..



Paint off with 80-grit:





1/2 way through (about 600-800 IIRC)



Quick polish to see where I was:



Final Polish for the moment:



Vauge reflection shot:



Difference Front (orig) to back (done)



Night shot:



Yeah only one done but this took me best part of 4 hrs (all done by hand, no machine) and OK not exactly a Show finish but just wanted to tidy them up, and TBH with a winter coming would be a bit mad Mirror polishing them!

Now only the other 3 to do (this was the worst for Corrosion) and have sorted out a Black and Decker Mouse so the inital stripping part will go a lot easier..

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Good work! I polished a 16v inlet fanimold by hand and it took forever, so I know how much effort is envolved. Do you still have the skin on the end of your fingers? :lol:

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Good work! I polished a 16v inlet fanimold by hand and it took forever, so I know how much effort is envolved. Do you still have the skin on the end of your fingers? :lol:


What fingers?


Yeah I do, Yeti gave me some good advice which was rubber gloves and plasters.. seemed to work ok. Apart from one small patch on my 2nd finger which I always sem to rub trought with Wet & Dry


Mind you I don't have any fingerprints either.. so it' off to teh local bank vault I go! :lol:

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Well MOT done and cost me:


Front Number Plate courtesy of the Tw@t who hit it TWICE in the station car park

CV Gaiter

Rear Flexi Hose


So now it will be service time next month, then the LM's arrive, allowing the Estos to be shipped to Dav to be refurbed so I can use then next winter.


All on top of the usual Rado-as-long-as-your-arm list of other little jobs to do.. including trying to sort the intermittant wiring issue I have with the front speakers which seem to be activated by bumps in the road at the moment.. Wiring oh Joy! :lol:

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Not bad then dude!


Didn't know you were getting some LM's......isn't that a little too 'scene' for you? :lol: :lol: ;)

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Not bad then dude!


Didn't know you were getting some LM's......isn't that a little too 'scene' for you? :lol: :lol: ;)


:lol: Yeah but the price was right.. and I'll get them "customised" to my specs as well...

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Well BIG thanks to Tallpaul for organising this.. The LM-alikes arrived Saturday, all fitted with Yoko Prada2 which although I was initally scetchy about seem to have pretty massive levels of grip in the dry, so far...


Anyway here's some pics:

At pic up from R-tec:




Trail fit at home:


Looking good...


First one on and clears the arch!



All on yes they are 17's as well!:



Looking "Phatter"



Only slight issues is it's up about an inch (used to sit at below Lid height)



All in all I'm really chuffed... and the speedo's not that far out. Checked on a speed check sign down by the Excel centre last night.. 38 road speed reads 40 on the clock, so if I keep to the clock all will be fine!


Just need to get some coilies to "Fine tune" the height, and after a trip down to Gatwick last night I'm understanding the dynamics of a Rado on 17's and 40 series tyres in regards tramlining... FUN!

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They're pretty good looking copies tbh! If you had some black BBS centre caps, you'd be hard pressed to tell em apart.

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They're pretty good looking copies tbh! If you had some black BBS centre caps, you'd be hard pressed to tell em apart.

Working on sorting a supplier of 65mm Carbon/gold effect BBS caps as we speak!


Believe me they look better with those chrome centres than the "VW" ones also available! :D

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Looking good there chap. Should have mine soon 8) Let me know if/when you get anywhere with the bbs centres as i'll be after a set as well.

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