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Noisy belt/pullies on 92 G60 (Still having problems)

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Cool, now sorted. Last question.


How ever do I get the pulley off the old water pump?


Been reading everywhere about this. Ive got the 3 allen bolts out but cannot move the 3 bolts near hte middle, there is no way to get anything round or over them?

Please help, I need this doen asap for Big Bang!!

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Can you post a picture up? I don't quite understand what you mean.... It should be jsut the three allen bolts out of the centre of the pulley... You might need a allen key socket on an extension to reach them , but I'm sure I did mine with a stndard allen key...


It helps to loosen them when the pump is on the car and the belts are all tight, to stop the pump from turning.


You might need to encourage the pulley off with a hammer, and a bit of wood.

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Just worked out where im going wrong. Got confused about the 3 allen bolts as the 3 allen bolts holding the pulley on have been replaced with normal hex bolts. Unfortunately some numpty has used bolts too large that there is no room to get anything round or over them (they sit touching the round thing in the middle)


Joy oh joy

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there are 6 bolts on the water pump pulley iirc - 3 for adjusting the offset - and 3 for holding it to the pump. you've probably taken the offset bolts off (outer bolts) rather than the pump bolts (inner) ...

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All sorted at last. Took longer then expected due to numerous nasty bolts but got there. All good and run it to Big Bang and back (from Norwich) without issue.


Thanks for all the help on this thread.

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