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Could see that one coming a mile off.. he was lucky he didn't really total that car.


Certainly giving it a bit of stick!! :)

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Not so sure...round a roundabout this afternoon I put mine into a slide!


lol...it was pretty stupid of me was pushin it a bit, altho I really did not feel like it was gonna give. I still reckon the surface maybe had oil or something, although it also could have been that I took my foot of the accelerator right before it twitched.


ended up doing a little powerslide and controlled it reasonably well....the womans face coming out the exit I was going to was priceless....I think she got as a big a shock as I did. I was goin sideways towards her then snapped back on track. Felt like a right tit after that and drove off sheepishly :) Its just not in me to be proud of that hehe :)


Need to get more used to the powersteering...my mk2 had no PAS and was lowered 50mm. Handled incredible but more so becuase you could feel everything so well. Still, corrado is so much sharper especially at speed


Still as I was saying to Roddy and Brian the other night, its good to have done as I know wknow what to expect ;)

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LOL I did that the other day I went into a roundabout at 45 as I was coming round it I noticed the lights had gone red a thought of OH S*it came to mind I slammed on the anchors and went into a 90deg slide I thought I had fu**ed up big style but ended up getting it straight and stopped bang on the line everyone was looking at me it's a good thing I have tinted windows!!!! :D

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hehehe sounds almost exactly like what I did :)


The C seems a strange beastie, it seems to handle much better if you just kinda have faith in it and give it a bit more power. It seems to be when holding back it becomes unbalanced, ie/ no continous power rouind corners.


The golf never once gave me the impression the tail was gonna go, it just would slide out in a wide arch, the C seems to be quite ready to flick out the tail when not careful. Altho I guess its putting out a good 40bhp more than the good old golf :evil:


Think I need some coilovers :)

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One other reason I reckon is the fact that the C handles that well it doesnt seem like your going that fast and it CAN handle corners with pace....the result is that its very easy to nip round them at speeds you shouldnt so pushing it a bit more to means you are going far to quick :)


it seems more like it rwd or something...I find it very odd. I cant see it understeering.

Anyone else think this?

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Not so sure...round a roundabout this afternoon I put mine into a slide!


lol...it was pretty stupid of me was pushin it a bit, altho I really did not feel like it was gonna give. I still reckon the surface maybe had oil or something, although it also could have been that I took my foot of the accelerator right before it twitched.


ended up doing a little powerslide and controlled it reasonably well....the womans face coming out the exit I was going to was priceless....I think she got as a big a shock as I did. I was goin sideways towards her then snapped back on track. Felt like a right tit after that and drove off sheepishly :) Its just not in me to be proud of that hehe :)


Need to get more used to the powersteering...my mk2 had no PAS and was lowered 50mm. Handled incredible but more so becuase you could feel everything so well. Still, corrado is so much sharper especially at speed


Still as I was saying to Roddy and Brian the other night, its good to have done as I know wknow what to expect ;)



so what round-a-bout did your "ahem" :wink: learning curve occur?????

and its just as well the g/f's away eh....boys and their toys :wink:

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Do any of you lot actually speed up for corners just cost you know you can!!


i'll drive within the speed limits here, then when a corner comes i just love booting the C and throwing it into a mild corner just to get a buzz for a sec!! and watch the tail gater vanish!!


is it just me????

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I always do that nigel and then give it a flick on the sterring wheel and lift off to get it to oversteer its great fun!!! I pump up the rear tyres a few psi more to make the backend a bit lighter so rather than understeer I get oversteer whcih is a lot easier to control!!!

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it was the roundabout beside woolmanhill/denburn :)

I still blame it on oil on the road ;)


What should the tyre pressures be front and back?


edit: just noticed the thread 'tyre psi' hehe :roll:

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