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VERY VERY NSFW - Shocking Images of VW Fox Accident

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I have driven in excess of 1 million miles in the 21 years since I've passed my test and seen a lot of nasty accidents, fortunate enough never to have been involved in one but can't help worrying than the odds are not in my favour on a going forward basis


After all, and i hate to see say it. Its not necessarily in our own hands. Ok we may all drive safely, but what about other idiots on the road.

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I agree. Judging by how much the the Fox has shortened i doubt very much if any car would have staved off such an impact. Even a 5 star rated car with a long bonnet wouldn't have stopped the lorry from entering the front seat area.


CRITICAL_MASS - i'm not sure when NCAP was introduced but i think it was only in the last few years, maybe this side of year 2000????

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I'm afraid I don't quite understand the point in posting pictures like this, it say's nothing about car safety. As many have said, no car would win a fight with a lorry, the engine alone would stop most cars.

The ncap test is performed at 40mph for frontal impact and 30mph for side impact, they don't test at higher speeds becouse all the cars would look pretty much like that.

I guess if they could make a car that would remain intact at 60+ mph then the seatbelt would quarter the passengers anyway!!

So..IMHO the pictures of severed bodies only serve to traumatize the family and friends of the poor guy (admitedly its an outside chance) if they happen to stumble on it, or entertain peoples morbid facination.


Just my opinion!

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This is always the sort of pictures that puts me off driving on large busy motorways. I've only ever done it a few times though. Ugh :(


Glad I live in a small town, even though that doesn't mean this can't happen.

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This is always the sort of pictures that puts me off driving on large busy motorways


TBH, i reckon travelling on a motorway is safer then your normal road. All going in the same direction.

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