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Andyrado g60

Woodruff key / cam pulley keyway - im getting very worried!

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Hi People, Braught my g60 in jan last year, i was very happy with it, learning all about it and getting it perfect befor starting to sensibly mod it. It was getting very close to being mint standard condition in the summer last year. Then i started hearing a sort of clicking / ticking noise coming from the d-side wheel arch when i was letting it cool down (ticking over) for 2 mins after i had driven it which is what i do all the time. The noise was very regular but at small intervals, for example it may make the noise every 5 secconds for a minute, then every 2 secconds for a minute. I booked it in with my local vw specialist but before the apointment came round i was gentally accelerating away from a roundabout and it just died, wouldnt accelerate, no power, struggled to turn over. Got it to the vw specialist and after waiting a while it was descoverd that the key way / woodruff key that held the cam pully onto the crank had worn and knocked the timing out massively.


I had the engine removed and replaced the whole engine with one out of another car that i brought off ebay and i was going to re-build the broken one (its still in my garage half done) when the new engine went in i paid for a new clutch, belts, hoses, seals, clips, AND A NEW KEY WAY (brand new from vw) to go on my new engine. This was obviously quite expensive including labour to take old out and put new in especially with the cost of the donor engine on top. It was finished and i was very happy, smooth as silk, i have since done loads to the can including full interior re-cover, full re-spray, other mods and its going to g-works this sat! But the nigthtmare noise is back and sounds very very similar! the one i started to hear 3 days befor it died. I thought he replaced all the parts, surely it wouldnt have worn a brand new one again? I dont exactly thrash it round everywhere and it gets treated very very well. Called the specialist, hes going to have a look / listen on thursday, but obviously im rather worried.


My questions are, does anyone know anything that i dont about this problem?


What else could the noise be?


What are my rights if it has worn again, he does carry a 2 year warrenty on all work?


What have your experiences been with this problem?


Any advise much apriciated everyone!



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Did he replace the bolt (N903 208 02) and tighten it up using the correct tool number 3099 and to the correct torque of 90 Nm + 1/4 turn (90 °) further with oiled threads and shoulder? The damage to the end of the crank can be repaired in about half an hour without removing the engine if you have access to the special tool.

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When the crank pulley went on mine, I just replaced the pulley (the keyway is part of the crank pulley) and crank bolt, the end of the crank where the keyway fitts was a bit rounded off but its been fine since last summer, as Crasher says above make sure the guy who did the engine swap replaced the crank bolt with a MK1 DX bolt and washer!


I had to retap the thread in the crank too as when I came to refit I couldnt get the new bolt in :-(

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Cheers guys, excellent advice as usual! Been back to the garage to have it checked, he assured me that both the crank bolt and washer were rep[laced with brand new, while i was there he put it on the lift and had a check, and also checked the tightness off the associated bolts, all was fine. He said that the noise sounds like a dry belt or a bearing in a pully thats getting ready to be changed and its not a problem, he said when i take it to have a new manifold on (cos it has just started blowing, nice) he'll take the belts off and sort that two. So hopefully a fals alarm, thank F**k. Off to g-werks tomorrow for some chip, pully, rsr outlet and oil cooler action and maybe a 4 branch manifold if the bank account allows, should be worth the 4am wake up!

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