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Some people have more money than sense...

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mate of mine worked in a lexus garage & a well dressed couple walked in & wanted to buy a 50k lexus. he took out a credit card & she said to him rather sheepishly that he probably doesn't have as much as he thinks coz she'd had a bit of a slurge!!! the bloke never batted an eyelid & took out another & he bought the f-n lexus on his 'spare card'! my mate thought it was a joke as he'd only been working there a couple of weeks, anyway the card went through no probs so he was clapping his hands at the easiest sale ever!!!


i was just thinking exactly how much is a bit of a 'splurge'?

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You can put pretty high amounts through using your debit card if you have the balance to cover it. The bank may phone for confirmation though.

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