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Kevin Bacon

Manual sunroof conversion?

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Now that summer's here, the usual negative thoughts and feelings of the sheeeeeite electric mechanism have kicked in again....


Does anyone know if the manual slide only subframe from a MK2 Golf will bolt up to the rado roof? I don't care about electrical assistance or tilting, just want a roof that works and without needing a bent allen key, LOL!

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Someone on this thread on Vortex (thought the topic sounded familiar - clicky) says:


"to the op... the manual crack for the sunroof for the mk2 will fit the rado as the rado will fit the MK2. they have the same mounting holes and use the same screws. "


Sounds like it can be done! :)

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Jim, well that's a result, good work my man :lol: Watch this space then ;-)


chubbybrown, they can be chap. The trouble is I've rebuilt my electric subframe twice (and used a different less worn s/hand subframe) and the sodding just won't work properly. It'll tilt on the button fine, but sliding is a bit of a lottery, only works occasionally! There are some lucky individuals with fully working roofs but I can't bothered with it anymore and would prefer the simpler manual slide only roof.

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I can see where you're coming from, the mk2 slide mech must be much simpler, but I've seen a few mk3 golf frames that were in really good nick and only the roof lining and metal roof panel need to be swapped over.


Bally had one a while back with the hope of using the mk3 glass roof, but it was way too curved for the C. I thought at the time the main mechanism was identical, even with a few minor redesigned parts and would have made a good spare, think he picked it up from an E38 show for about 40 quid.

I have to say I probably use the tilt function far more, just to improve the airflow from the dash vents without the noise of opening a window.

Air con and no roof at all would be my ideal though, never miss the sunroof on my mk4.

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Yeah I bought Bally's old MK3 subframe (I think it was him!). There are a few differences in terms of offering it up to the roof. The Golf wind deflector won't work and the locating dowels in the MK3 frame are different for starters.


I've had 5 or 6 MK2 Golfs and the Sunroof just never ever breaks on them.


Another alternative is the Audi 90 tilt n slide.... they never break either. Same size roof panel as MK2/Corrado too.

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would a mk1/mk2 orion or ford escort handle work on it?

Ive had a few of those of in my ford days well marrying up to see



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