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Gumball Cancelled.... ?End of Gumball?

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sad, i'm sure the reports are exaggerated but looks like he wasn't leaving much room for the unexpected. hope it doesn't do for the event permanently..

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Check out http://www.gtspirit.com too. Such a shame and a massive tragedy. I suppose it was an accident waiting to happen. Gumball has become so big that I think drivers felt it gave them carte blanche to drive ever more irresponsibly. As marshalls we had to sign disclaimers that prevented us from drinking or taking drugs at all during the event. Shame the drivers in charge of the 500bhp cars didn't have a similar document to sign. That's not to say that the drivers were over the limit but there are big parties all night with lots of booze followed by early starts. It really was an accident waiting to happen, no sleep, fast cars, public roads, long stages, big parties ... Plus the time taken for Gumball to issue a press statement was tantamount to PR suicide. If I was Adidas, Co-Pilot, T-Mobile or Meguirs I don't think I'd want my name associated with the event any more and when the sponsorhip dries up....

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Whats more disastrous for them is that it was not a race participant that died but a local from where they were, a porsche hit non participants car killing the driver and putting the passenger (his wife) in intensive care. Yet as the article states Gumball tried to cover it up unsuccessfully. As stated you would have thought that with now running for 9 years they would expect this to happen at some stage and be fully prepared for it. Yet they weren't and clearly didnt seem to know what to do. It's a shame as in theory its a great event but as others have said a mix of copious wealth, parties late into the night, alcohol and other possible substances, and long driving in high performance cars and a seemingly arrogance of invincablility sometimes will eventually lead to disaster. I'm not against any of the afforementioned triats but they dont all mix in one event really!!!!

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dont forget tho, the brands associated with gumball know what the event is about and are basing their marketing on the thrill and hijinx of the competition. If anything their $$$ support is partially responsible, atleast morally, cause if it was seen to be "tame" then they would not be interested

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Actually, thinking about it... Sending wealthy people (who often seem to have little common sense) in expensive, fast cars, to countries that they don't know, often driving on an unfamiliar side of the road, whilst they party and get very little sleep... I'm surprised it's not happened before to be honest...


"Races" such as the Scally Rally hold far more interest for me as I see them as an acheivable goal, and there are real obstacles to overcome, not things that are fixed with a simple flash of the cheque book.


Hope the Old lady gets better!

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I'm scared that this might have an effect on rallies like the scally rally. We had such a great time last year with no trouble at all (apart from some banger racers who decided it was a good idea to have a banger race on Barcalona beach!!). We are doing it again this year, so really hopeful that we don't get effected by these rich kids!

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