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Painting the rears red... An manifold polishing...

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I've done a few different worded searched and though red rear lights are mentioned time and time again i've failted to find a topic which describes what paints to use/buy.?


Another question i havent managed to clear up is will Pug' green indicator bulbs fit a rado? an solve the colour issue?


I've been to my local halfords had a look around its mostly car paints didnt know if these would keep the lenses translucent or make them opaque?


Any tips/advice would be much appreciated.


Another issue is i've began polishing my schrick manifold and i've gone through various stages of sandpaper and wet&dry i've seen metal polishing paste metnioned whats the best stuff to use?

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Rear lights - i striped mine to avoid any other of the carry on with changing the bulbs, dont overspray them and they should be ok. Use savage tinting spray which is available on ebay. After painting give them a good coat of lacquer to make them nice and shiny and it should make them last longer..


There is a guide in the Wiki...


Ive just got a Schrick and have milled the logo off. I had every intention of polishing the whole thing but it is too porous, for a perfect finish i reckon itll have to be powder coated and then polished....

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Yeah the overlays are great, nice and easy to put on and look just as good as spraying but obviously a lot easier to remove if you sell or change your mind etc.


Oh and my car is showing them off in PVW 8) :lol:

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I think Riley has a few sets of overlays for sale. Not sure if he's got red though.


EDIT: - my bad, it's only smoked he has.

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Have to say that im well impressed with how my overlays turned out.

Would recomend them to anyone!





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These overlays look great and am sitting here with my credit card ready to rumble - before I do - will I need to get different bulbs/paint any bulbs when I put the tinting film on? I don't want to stick them on, then get pulled by the sweeney and be made to remove them!


sorry - just found this - answers the question if anyone else needs it:


http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... a&start=15

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