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the corrado forum on facebook

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Who's bright idea was this anyway? Just joined and am still getting to grips with the site and now I have an email saying one of my x girlfriends is trying to add me as a friend. I never wanted any contact with this person ever again. Should I just reject it? Also my name is Joe Parmenter so if anyone who is lacking friends and who hasn't been out with me before wants to add me I'd grateful as at the moment I only have my brother.... :(

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Or tell us who she is and we can all add her to our friends lists ;)


:lol: :lol: :lol: Think the safest option is rejection. I feel bad, but you know she's just gonna have to learn to let go. It's for her own good.

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reject it. i did the same with one of my ex's and found out via facebook that she got married. i was pretty gutted cos it should have been me.

if you never wanted to see her again, don't add her, you'll be happier without it.


anyway, i've got a serious facebook addiciton at the mo, its good fun spying on your friends and trying to find random connections.

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I must admit it's quiet fun checking up on people I used to go to school with. Found one guy who's married and moved to America. The whole time I new him he never had one girlfriend. It's nuts. Anyway, ex successfully rejected.... er, again i guess.

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