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G60 question

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Really hope that aint yours.

Think the seals have gone and basicly blown out through the casing.



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It's mine alright! Managed to drive 20 miles with it like this sounding like a bag of nails all the way, then I replaced it with a freshly rebuiltcharger I handily had in my shed! When I took it apart the seals were in good nick and the little timing belt was still intact.

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No idea then, Someone will clear it up though.


Sorry for your loss though 8)


You are lucky you had a spare :D

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have you swapped/cleaned out the pipework and intercooler before fitting another unit ?

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Yeh I changed the intercooler and most of the pipework for some spares ones I again handily had in my shed!


I though that little square sticker might haave something to do with it!

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what happens is that Jabba only replace the bearings which "appear to need renewal".... (how you can visually inspect a sealed bearing I'm still in the dark about)


The top shaft of the charger is the one with the counterweight on it... the bearing on its end is the one that spins the fastest... these overheat, lock up and throw the counterweight and shaft out of the top of the casing as the timing of the unit gets out of sync grenading the charger as in your pic... normally, it's this bit that breaks the small belt or makes it strip teeth, but this doesn't always happen...


This is one of the 3 reasons I'd never use Jabba for anything ever again....


Disclaimer: these are my own opinions, not those of the forum officials. The quote is pretty much exactly what was said to me on the phone by an employee of Jabba not long after I had my 13month old charger re-rebuilt by Darren at G-werks who found some pretty nasty looking things inside my charger which had been left by Jabba.

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