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Loud VR6

Door shut and open adjustment

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I have just about had enough of the way my corrados doors did not shut propely without slamming them so this week i went to VAG and bought two new catch posts the ones that mount on the b piller as the plastic washer had aged and was damaged so i replaced them and adjusted them so now the door shuts perfect no need to slam it any more its great and cost only pounds from VAG ..

However at the same time i decided to buy new check straps as mine had started to make a anoying clicking sound as you open the door . The new ones are much stiffer and almost seem too stiff and the mounting bracket that attaches to the a piller and it does not look like it is solid enough to take the strain.

Has anyone else changed their check straps and found this ????

i am in two minds to try and find some second hand ones that are still good as they would not have the same resistance ..

i am just alittle worreyed that if they dont get any looser that over time the post will come away from the body .

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hi mate goin slighty off topic my drivers side door doesnt shut complety flush with the rear quarter panel all the shut lines are straight and parralell but just doesnt seem to completly shut do you think your mod could alter this??

sorry cant help with your problem though :(

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yeh it should be a really easy adjustment to get your door to sit correctley if you remove and replace the catch post on the c piller with a 15 mm socket their is a floating bracket that is easy to adjusts as you tighten the new catch in place .. take it apart and it will all be odvious ..

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