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Ex Aberdonian new to forum!

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Blimey there's a load of Aberdeen Corrado owners on here, I probably know some of your cars 'cos I grew up in the 'Deen and owned 2 Corrados there, one of which is still hanging about. If you see a G-reg Linarite blue (a Mercedes SLK colour) 16 valver going around with BBS RC wheels and a twin DTM style backbox, that's my original project car - say hi to it from me!


My second and current Corrado is a Midnight blue N Reg Storm and it's with me here in Stirling. It's nothing pretty to look at, I gave up on the whole image thing with the 16 valver which almost bankrupted me at the time so the only thing special I've done to it is modify the dash to take a well nifty MP3 player called an Empeg as well as my normal stereo. Lets have a go at trying to post some pics. Apologies in advance for the size of them!


Ok, for reference, here's what the dash looked like before I fiddled with it:




Here's the modified centre console - I ripped out the ashtray (kept the lighter wiring tho - too useful) and added lugs for the heater dials lower down.


Modded Console


Closer view of the 2 DIN slots here - Araldite rocks!


Console Closeup


The 2 cradles fitted and the dial fascia slotted in to show the idea:


Console Mockup


Dashboard in bits!


Old Console Removed


The horizontal metal bar with the tape hanging off it in the next pic had to be hacksawed out - this is the only irreversable mod I made (I used a spare console rather than use the existing one!)


Metal Bar


Finally, my Dual DIN Dash was complete! The Empeg In-Car MP3 player in the top and my Kenwood MASK stereo below - both pumped through a Kilowatt amp in the boot alongside a Rockford Fosgate "Punch" Sub. Super!


Proper Job!


Seeing as I'm not usually very good at these sort of things I was rather chuffed it all worked out so well to be honest...


If anyone finds themselves in the Stirling area, look out for a rather unwashed blue Storm trundling about "pumpin da choons" or whatever :)

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this one you mean :wink:




btw i take it your storm is mystic blue :?: if it is midnight blue then you aint got a storm i'm afraid to say :(

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No way - that's my car! haha! Glad to see it's still in one piece - do you know the guy who bought it? It would be great to hear how he's doing, he got one hell of a good deal I reckon...


O and yeah and my current one's whetever blue Storms came in, a kinda purply blue I can never remember the name!

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No way - that's my car! haha! Glad to see it's still in one piece - do you know the guy who bought it? It would be great to hear how he's doing, he got one hell of a good deal I reckon...





well tbh and totally frank and no-offence meant here :wink: from a distance it looks like quite a looker but up close and personnal its quite a shall we just say a "work in progress"........in that the E/W switches are in the centre console(where the coin holder was)...IMHO not a very great installation :? and the door cards have seen better days big speakers etc......the paint is looking a bit tired and the alloys are scuffed and kerbed......the current owners seemingly have had no end of problems with the electrics.......its currently residing in back hilton road IIRC or whatever the road that Murison's garage is situated

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Really? That's a pity to hear, it was a write-off when I bought it so it left me in far better shape than I got it anyway! Electrics were ok when I used it too - drove it around for a good few years without any problems. O well, such is life I guess, he got it cheap enough!

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i sincerely hope they did cos IIRC when i saw it advertised on the VWCCGB classifieds about 2000/01 it was advertised as a "show winner" and was up for big money especially for being a 1.8 16v........though obviously what it went for wasn't what it was advertised at.........funnily enough when i was looking for a Corrado i was advised by some Veedub owning mates to avoid a "funny blue coloured one"as this was as i was also informed a write-off.........again sorry if this seems very negative and i'm not having a "go" at you.........although it maybe appears that i am :wink:

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Firstly, when it was advertised in 2000 (& possibly as far back as '99 'cos that's the year I bought my VR6) it was in far far better nick and was still being used daily. When I eventually sold it the poor thing had been sitting in a garage for well over a year without being touched so obviously it went for less than the price you saw it for, whatever it was.


Secondly, I said it had won an award, not a show - and a minor one at that (best car in carpark or something silly like that) but unfortunately I can't back it up 'cos I can't even remember where it was so you'll have to trust me on that one.


Thirdly, it was originally up for "big money" because I had spent way more than the car was worth over 3 years getting it back to a usable state and the wheels alone were worth a grand second hand at the time. Plus when I first advertised I wasn't overly bothered about getting shot of it so it was priced to suit.


Fourthly, the "funny blue coloured" paintjob was professionally applied and cost a bollockload so no dissin me colour!


Fifthly, I never ONCE tried to hide its history (which you're implying) so I have no idea why you had to have someone else point out it was an ex write-off rather than simply ask me about it instead. You might want to think how your friend found out - probably by asking me!


Sixthly, sorry if this seems very defensive and I'm not having a "go" at you but hey - you're talking about a lot of years of my blood, sweat, tears and most importantly good hard cash there so you can hardly expect me to sit back and take it lying down!


Anyway - lets try not to start off on the wrong foot here. I thought I would post some pics of what I thought some would see as an interesting dash mod and seem to have ended up being portrayed as a dodgy cut-and-shut merchant which I'm rather upset about to tell the truth. Lets hope this post goes some way towards redressing the balance and we can get on with some more friendly chat.

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Hi StirlingStorm, Im sorry to read this thread. i bet you never expected this from like you say, a friendly thread about a dash mod!!! especially from a Moderator of the forum, but im guessing he'll be back to hopefuly apologise later on. Personally, though not really the tidiest thing on the roads (up close - and hey, who's is?), i still like your ex rado. colour is nice, makes you look twice and the wheels are the dogz. It may of been a write of, but it doesnt mean its bad. i have seen aLOT worse make it back on the roads in dealers forecourts that no one would think twice about.


This Forum is generally a nice place to talk to like minded folk about the car you drive. so read away and see if anything helps you along,a and share any knowledge you have, as after the Blue 16v, bet you have a few stories :wink: :lol:


Welcome to the forum, enjoy your stay! :D :lol: :D


Got any more pics of the 16v after it was finished?

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wow...stirlingstorm...i love that colour!! sorry also for the rather harsh welcome.

Its a very good job with the dash mate! i think you should use a Neutrik socket for the cigerette lighter...so when you need it u just connect it up..kinda like a household socket...but inside a car.


The mp3 player looks great!!

Your previous car was very nice indeed...keep up the good work mate. 8)


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Cheers for the responses, I'm a little happier now :)


Hmmm... DubPrince, do you mean Neutrik XLR connectors? I used to have a PA system that used Neutriks and I used Neutrik 4-pin XLRs when I fitted my speaker cables in the walls of my living room (I hate exposed wires!) so I think I know where you're coming from. The amp I bought was a Maystar QXT500 and it comes with a wired remote for the Sub so I've got to incorporate that somewhere too. At the moment I've left it and the ciggy lighter hanging loose at the bottom of the console but as I said I hate hanging wires so it is kinda pissin me off :)


Ta for the hint!

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O and Dubster, I had a load of ones when it was mint but they were pre-digital camera and I can't find the buggers any more! I have loads of it looking a bit sad in my garage tho but it looked worse then than it does now I suspect so I won't bother!


I did find the pics of when I bought it from the scrappies tho but they're not pretty at all! If I find the nice ones tho I'll see if I can gettem scanned in for ya.

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StirlingStorm, Cheers bud. that would be nice. feel free to send the pre mods one, i feels t makes people appreciate your work alot more. if you dont want to post, em, mail em? if you dont want anyone else tos ee em, fair enough :D :lol:


Not fancy going full on with the storm then? :lol:


Why/when did you move to Stirling, if you dont mind me asking?

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Hehe :)


Hello Steve. how you doin m8? I was wondering why I hadn't seen you post on here yet. See you got your mp3 player - looks cool. You got it loaded up with your dodgy tunes then?


http://www.kf010a4571.pwp.blueyonder.co ... rling8.jpg


That's your Storm there is it not (on the right)


Roddy, his Storm is definitely a Storm, was having been in it that created my need to get a Corrado :) (Wondered who that was revvin their engine at me tonight! Your C looks 10x better being so low, and as usual puts mine to shame with its cleanliness I was almost dazzled by the paintwork and wax ;) What did you think of the new exhaust then?? better?

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ha ha, if that is your car, nice one! there is going to be another meet up in Stirling at some point again. dunno the details tho.... :?

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I moved to Stirling about 2 years ago 'cos I got a job down here. The company I was working for in Aberdeen was shedding people so I took voluntary redundancy and came down here. Kinda miss the 'Deen tho in a way so I might find myself back up sometime. My family's all up there too still so I pop up now & again.


That is indeed my Storm in the pic and I guess Munkay must be AKA the boy Penman! I can't think of anyone else in the 'Deen I converted to Corradoism (to my knowledge, anyway).


As for the scrappie photos, if I can gettem scanned in I'll maybe post 'em but seeing as it's not my car any more I kinda feel strange posting them - dunno why, maybe the new owner would object :) Bit like posting the pics of someone else's woman before she went on the slim-fast plan!


I got a new exhaust put on mine the other day, the original one got to 80k and then gave up :( I go to Star Performance in Glenrothes for all my servicing, it's expensive and a pain to get to from Stirling but well worth the dosh! Nice shiny new Miltek on it now, slightly gruffer tone too which is always nice :) Anyone else got a MIltek?

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Stirling storm,as i did state in my posts on this thread i was being "tbh and frank" and i also did state to you that "i wasn't having a go" either but IMHO it wasn't a C worthy of paying over the odds for.....ok you must have put a lot of time and effort into it not to mention cash but you yourself must know that you never get back as much as you put in financially when you "mod" any motor especially a C......with hindsight i can understand how my comments may have come across(as very derisory though please believe me they weren't meant to come across like that) but at the same time at the end of the day its just my opinion......as for the "funny colour remark" what was meant here was a non-standard Corrado colour which if its a mercedes colour it is non-standard isn't it?

and i never said or implied that you were hiding its history what i said was i was informed it was a write-off so therefore must have been the same car we were speaking off.........


Dubster82,sorry but as far as i understand it being a moderator still enititles me to speak my mind...........


Munkaywhat i was meaning when i queried Stirling storm's storm was that he thought his colour was midnight blue if it was then it was impossible for it to be a storm unless someone was prepared to respray a storm a non-storm colour.............and cheers for the compliment about my C tonight......though its actually needing a good clean......and for once i could hear my exhaust over your one........you glad you got it done i take it?

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Why is it that people think saying "No offence but" before offending someone makes it any less offensive? Beats me! Of course you're entitled to an opinion, we all are - that's kind of the definition of a Forum after all but tact comes into it too.


For example, let's say I'm in the pub one day and a fat bloke strikes up a conversation with me. I am of course perfectly within my rights to say "Hello fat bloke, my opinion is that you're a bit of a porker and you really should think about shedding some of that blubber there. Have you tried the Atkins diet?" but it's not likely to win me any popularity contests :)


Ok, not a great analogy but it's late and I want to go to bed so it's the best I can do! All I'm really saying is I feel your opinion, regardless of its validity was rather hurtful considering I've only just arrived and you haven't even had the chance to get to know me yet. If you're not that bothered about first impressions and you couldn't give a toss how I feel about what you've said then fine - that's your decision but I for one couldn't be that arrogant and something tells me you're not either.


Ok, 'nuff said, handbag retracted, time to forget the whole episode!

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fair point.......we'll just leave it at that.........though who blabbed i was said fat bloke???? :lol: :lol: :p .....i prefer the term big-boned myself



btw if i did meet you in this pub and did strike up conversation with you......to get the comment you'd be within your rights to make..........the replies forthcoming would be............what you mean these clothes don't make me look thinner :? .....and as for atkins tried it but love chips too much :p

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