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Corrado got hit by a builder the other week, now he wont pay

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Hey guys a little advice please


Two weeks ago on tuesday i'd just picked my brother up from work and we went to get a kebab from the centre of Bedford for dinner, health food in toe i went to turn round in a side street just behind a builder who was doing the same.


i was waiting behind him to pull on to the main road as he went to pull away he instead rolled back and his towbar hit the offside front corner of my bumper, he pulled around and stopped on the other side of the road. I got out and looked at the car, couldnt really see any damage put he insisted on giving me his card just in case.


Turns out in the light of day the morning afer i noticed he'd scratched it and smashed the bumper bracket. Not much damage i know but i didnt see why i should repair the damage he caused so i went to a local bodyshop a got a quote for it. then phoned him to tell him, he was quite decent about it and said just get it done and we'll sort the money out after so i booked it in and got the work done...


Spoke to him after to arrange a time to get the money and his tone changed and started insisting to see the car and invoices... i sai this wasnt a problem and had before and after photos to back up the issue with a report from the estimator. But i've now spoke to him twice more to arrange a time to get the money off him hes now ignoring my calls... Not sure what to do really, i got his card so i have his name address and mobile number but didnt take his reg (cant believe i was so daft) any one got any advie on the best course of action short of taking my rugby team to his front door and demanging the money? not really the right way to behave! :(





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Defo get the 5-0 involved to see if they can do anything and as a last resort, threaten to take him to small claims court.

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Cheers for the advice


Yeah i've been thinking about going to speak to mr plod but i cant see them being intrested unless i mention that i think he's uninsured :D actually thats not a bad idea... i'll try ringing him again this evening off some different numbers... he's a builder after all and he wont ignor calls from unknown numbers! if not i'll take a quick trip to the cop shop and see if they can help

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Yeah sounds dodgy - you'd expect someone like that to have business insurance so they would just use that and not offer to pay cash...

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A builder not answering/returning calls...................well I never!


Ring plod would be my advice or threaten to take him to court.

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Im afraid police only usually get involved if there are injuries or if the other driver failed to stop.


In this situation they are likely to refer you both to your insurance co's

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Andi, if you have his address go round (in a mates car) do a little undercover surveylance.. get reg of his van and call up your insurance co. tell em what happened and they'll chase him down for you!


If he has insurance that is... :?

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Go round his house and take a dump on his windscreen. Solution to everything that...

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Go round his house and take a dump on his windscreen. Solution to everything that...


You can't beat the personal touch. The best kinds of present are the ones you make yourself.

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Go round his house and take a dump on his windscreen. Solution to everything that...


what a beautiful thought... he's got a t4 van though so despite the fact i'm a tall bugger mounting his windscreen may be a wee bit difficult.


Thanks for all the advice though, appreciate it, i phoned the insurance company to ask for advice, there were bery pleasant but useless simply told me to go to the police as the claim would be less than my excess... didnt seem to underatand it not being my fault i wouldnt be paying!! advised speakin gto the police


unfortuanely the police were rather disinterested as he had fulfilled his part of the law by exchanging details and by entering into an agreement verbally to pay up outside of insurance, apparently it was my own fault!


I decided bollocks to the law so i decided to be antisocial and got my lil brother (6'8" rower :D ) and went and parked in the middle of his street with the windows opend and slipknot blaring and knocked on his door with a photocopy of the bodyshop invoice and photos before and after, he wouldnt answer the door despite all the lights being on so wrote him a lil note about my intentions to pursue it further with the help of my insurers legal team and posted it through his letter box... strangely i got a call 30mins later saying he'd had trouble with his mobile, he wasnt trying to avoid me and he'd have the money tomorrow for me just go over to his site at lunch 8)


I'll pop over with one of the lads at work just in case but i cant see there being an issue.


thanks again for all the help... useful and amusing! :D i'll post up tommorow once i get the cash!

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Hee Hee


Justice for a change:)


Worth noting the importance of getting all the details etc upfront with pictures too, at the time with a phone if you can, where it happened with the vehicles etc still in place. Can take better pics with a digicam later.


I myself have had a bump and thought the damage was minimal until I'd seen properly in the cold light of day and found it worse than initally thought and beware hidden damage not seen just by a quick look at the bodywork etc.


Well done though, oh the value of 'Little' brothers

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Watch out he doesn't come round with some mates and tarmac your driveway! ;)


Well done Andy, nice to see some justice in this world.

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beware hidden damage not seen just by a quick look at the bodywork etc... oh the value of 'Little' brothers


It was low speed so this occasion it was just superficial, there were some scratches on the front of the wing by the lamp but most of them were the previous owners parkign scars, it doesnt really justify a resprayed wing so i asked the bodyshop to machine polish them out which they did but unfortunately some are deeper than i thought but i'll have a go with some color wax and see if i cant hide them a bit!


My brother is a student so I had to bribe him with some fish and chips so loyalty it seems comes at a price :lol:


Watch out he doesn't come round with some mates and tarmac your driveway! ;)


Well done Andy, nice to see some justice in this world.


:lol: i was very careful throughout the whole process to not let him know where i lived or was from, i simply told him i worked in a place near by hence i could just pop in, even made sure the copy of the bodyshop invoice had all my details tipexed out and then photocopied so he couldnt tell (i'm not normally parranoid, but i tend to be a bit obsessive when it comes to the C!)

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Verbal agreements eh!


Might be worth using your phone as a recorder, switch the video on even if you're not using it, so any admissions of guilt can be proved.


He could have turned around and said you went up the back of him, who'd know the difference other than you...

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