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VR struggling for fuel/air at high speed?

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Not a massive problem for everyday driving this, but something that didnt seem right anyway....


In some extensive, er, testing on a long straight private road last weekend, it seemed that the car was struggling somewhat over 120mph. It was like the sensation you get when you're running out of petrol - like the power would suddenly drop a little and then come back. It was intermittent but didn't go away like I was hoping it would. I'm not mechanical at all really and so can only make uneducated guesses at what it might be (fuel pump not keeping up/needs a new filter/struggling for airflow??).


I haven't noticed this before but then I don't often drive it this fast so don't have that many experiences to go by. It was fine up to 120 and doesnt do the same at the top of the lower gears (obviously I was 4th and mostly 5th at this point).


The car is due a service but then has only done 4-5000 miles since the last one (1 year ago). I wouldn't expect filters to be struggling after that relatively low number of miles or am I being naive in thinking that? Car is standard apart from Magnecor HT leads.


Any thoughts?!




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At those speeds in 5th gear you will notice the problem more because the engine has huge wind resistance and tall gearing to overcome.


Get it on VAG-COM if you can, you might find it's something minor like a dead cam sensor. That will lose you 30hp straight away and it's not always that noticeable in the lower gears.

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Thanks Kev, as said it needs a service soon so I'll get the guys to VAGCOM it and check it out. Just an unexpected thing to come across as the engine is normally so strong. Hopefully can be sorted out simply, although obviously its not something you want to be retesting over and over!

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