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Today is an important day...

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Today i got my first drive in the corrado!!


After my dad got it taxed, i was off!! Itook it into town to pose :) yes, i am that w@anker. It felt great tho, loved driving around knowing that every 1 was looking at me going ' wtf is he doing driving a car like that?'


I even got myself a chuftie!! :shock: .. pulled into a garage near the port of larne, and i watched 2 taxi drivers noticing the car. As i was filling it up, they approached me and procceded to ask me if it was a 'V6 number'


Best part of the night tho, had to be outside a bar near the port of larne. Some old goat was blocking the road, no doubt while picking up her drunken 15 year old tart of a daughter. I sat and waited, like a good child, for her to move out of the way. When she did she came up beside me and started mouthing. Now, thankfuly i didnt hear much of this because i had my dads Frank Zappa CD on rather loud but i caught the tail end of her rant.. '..and now your sittin lookin at meh like tha?'..i simply turned to her and replied 'away n take yer face for a sh1t, ye oul goat' and drove off up the road putting a smile on the face of a select few drunkards.


Sorry about the random rant, but i just thought id share my happiness :D :D :D

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Glad to hear you're loving the car.


I have to suggest that there is the distinct possibility that all those looks you're getting are down to you being under 50 years old and listening to Frank Zappa at full volume. I don't even think my elderly friend A1VR6 even listens to Zappa these days, although he does still play a lot of Rory Gallagher in his car when he thinks no-one's listening, LOL

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In my defence tho, that was all he had in the car :lol: and the radio wouldnt even work. but i cant say im sorry for missing out on fabio and grooverider.

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