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About michael_m

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/27/1988


  • Location
    carrickfergus, norn iron


  • Interests
    cars, golf, football and women


  • Occupation
    cutomer service, P&O Irish Sea
  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/6958243.stm
  2. Well, today, while my Father had a few beers in the sun shiiiiiine, i took the C to get washed and by fluck did it look alot better after. oh and not forgeting the most important thing..i got it a new airfreshner!! magic tree, new car scent of course :D lol Heres a few pics :D
  3. Personally, I'd keep the Storm. No matter what. 'C' Storms are rare as fook compared to golfs. If you really want a golf the save up for one over a period of time but please dont get rid of the Storm. Could you live with your self if some prick bought it and treated it like a £500 runabout, scrapes on every pannel? I'd be raging with myself, thats for sure....
  4. In my defence tho, that was all he had in the car :lol: and the radio wouldnt even work. but i cant say im sorry for missing out on fabio and grooverider.
  5. Today i got my first drive in the corrado!! After my dad got it taxed, i was off!! Itook it into town to pose :) yes, i am that w@anker. It felt great tho, loved driving around knowing that every 1 was looking at me going ' wtf is he doing driving a car like that?' I even got myself a chuftie!! :shock: .. pulled into a garage near the port of larne, and i watched 2 taxi drivers noticing the car. As i was filling it up, they approached me and procceded to ask me if it was a 'V6 number' Best part of the night tho, had to be outside a bar near the port of larne. Some old goat was blocking the road, no doubt while picking up her drunken 15 year old tart of a daughter. I sat and waited, like a good child, for her to move out of the way. When she did she came up beside me and started mouthing. Now, thankfuly i didnt hear much of this because i had my dads Frank Zappa CD on rather loud but i caught the tail end of her rant.. '..and now your sittin lookin at meh like tha?'..i simply turned to her and replied 'away n take yer face for a sh1t, ye oul goat' and drove off up the road putting a smile on the face of a select few drunkards. Sorry about the random rant, but i just thought id share my happiness :D :D :D
  6. sweet sound off that thing :D
  7. wow!! that thing is a monster!! health to enjoy!!! :D
  8. he comes back tomorrow afternoon so il get my first spin soon enough :D found the car on weds but i was outside the local garage.. thought i would have been rather funny to move the car on the mechanic..even jus to see the look on his face :shock: lol do u reckon a 1.8 16v rado would see off a saxo vts or 106 gti? there are a few arseholes over here the i would like to embaress :D
  9. well, last week when i was on hols, my dads rado passed mot with flying colours.the thing is..he's away to barbados for 2 weeks :D. i gave into temptation..i went into the garage, expecting to see the car sitting there...but no!!! he was one step ahead lol, he left me a note, the bollox. 'hahahaha, you didnt think i'd leave the car here while im on holiday..and youve got a key, did ya??? cant wait for him to get back now..there is a certain person in a saxo vts asking to be embarresed by an 18 year old car :D
  10. is this colour a standard colour for corrados or has this example been resprayed?? im just curious :?
  11. keep fit windows indeed...but sure, an enzo has keep fit windows lol.
  12. £400?? jesus fook!!...
  13. it pays off you know...yesterday i went to the local with a friend of mine and met up with my dad. when i gave him a lift home he let me roll the rado outa the garage to take a few pics. considering im 18, this was the first time i had driven a rado..and what makes it even better..my dad gave me a key!!! :D i love getting my dad drunk. heres a few pics that i took yesterday in the sunshine... not the cleanest engine bay but sure, its 18 years old
  14. mk4 golf r32s are going for around £14000 now..what price where they when they came out?
  15. even the number plate spells cheap....nearly lol
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