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Republic Of Mancunia

C's headlights

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Hello again! I believe this is a common problem with corrados, that the head lights are very dim! I've bought some new bulbs (up to 60% brighter it says on the packet!) which I shall be fitting tomorrow. Can anyone else suggest something I can do? I've noticed that the inside of the glass seems to be quite dirty, is it wise to break the seal and remove the glass to give em a clean?

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do a quick forum search with the words uprated headlight wiring and youll come up with loads,a well worth it mod,can cost a tenner if you make it yourself or £50 for someone to make it for you

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As Dazzy says, if you search for "headlight AND loom" you'll get plenty of threads.


If we could keep the chat in one of the other threads, it makes it easier for future reference.


Ta :)

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