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Corrado buying guide - INPUT WANTED!

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Is it not already covered?


Check for accident damage around inner wings and the boot floor, including seams.


The rear panel (above the spare wheel as you look in the boot) has a VAG sticker which gives all model information, if this has gone, the car may have had rear end damage and been rebuilt/resprayed.


Above rear bumper - check that the two vertical 'seams' at each side of the rear panel are perfect, straight and even, with no bubbling/rust coming through (possible evidence of poor rear end damage repair).


Check body for...


Misaligned panels (inc doors, bonnet, boot)


Colour code ("mailshot" size sticker on the inside of the rear panel with the relative colour code or an orange-red smallish sticker on the inside of the o/s/f wing) & also a sticker insider the drivers side door pillar.

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Puffs of smoke on lift off from VRs is worth looking out for. If it's major then it could be a dying cylinder.


Chain rattle on a VR is expensive as well, it sounds like a marble rattling in a tin can and is particularly pronounced around 1000-1250rpm


I've also got an audio file of the noise that I pilfered from somewhere on vwvortex, but I have no idea where...

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THANK YOU for this guide, its top notch!


I found it last week and bought a VR6 storm today. wouldnt have made half the checks without this guide, and i'm hoping she's not a lemon as a result.


There was a lot of dampness in the passenger footwell but the car had been sheltered so there was no long term damage done. it was just leaves blocking the drainage that is mentioned in the guide (near the bulkhead)


Also extremely useful to know where to look for stickers and engine codes etc




***Update: 18 months on and still no problems. Top guide. Thanks to previous owner as well obviously :D

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Glad it's been of help to you - if it's only saved one or two people from spending over the odds on a car that's not completely right, it's worth the time it took us to put together.

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Thanks for the great buying guide!


This homepage is one of the big reasons I just bought my first car, the awesome VR6, yesterday :luvlove: with great help from the buying guide! :notworthy:


Thx guys!



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