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Front slam panel... are they all the same?

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Does anyone know if the the front slam panel ever changed between the early and late spec models or was it just the wings? also is part of the strip that runs across the front, below the headlights and grill as this is what is bent?


Just done my wing in and looking to repair it myself... if anyones got any advice would be a great help as i've never tried replacing a wing before... guessing the slam panel just bolts in?



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When you remove bumper and all front lighting you see the full slam panel, it does include the strip under the headlights..


Dimmensionaly they are the same but the shape above the lights is slightly different, ie to acoomodate the different bonnet props although ive got an early bonnet prop on my late slam panel. I think either would fit but to keep it authentic you might as well go with the one that is for your age of car...

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I think either would fit but to keep it authentic you might as well go with the one that is for your age of car...


As would I.....the other thing is that the VR and Valver slams are different

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