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Numpty question

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Ive got a Sony Giga panel headunit and it has a sub option on the volume adj. Does this mean I can just plug a sub straight into the back of the unit or will i have to have a seperate amp to drive it as well.


I know i know you're all sitting there thinking "doesn't this bloke know anything!!!!"....................and you'de be right lol :lol:

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It will control the phono/RCA output from the headunit so yes it will be a phono lead from the headunit into an amp and then from the amp to the sub, or get an active sub/box where the amp is in the box but it will still ned a phono cable running through the car.


Then you can boost the bass to the sub without boosting the bass in the speakers making them sound pants or go the other when its 5 in the morning, just woke up and you dont want the sub on you can turn it down/off, basically its a seperate control independant of the other speakers.


Hope this helps ya numbnuts :lol: only kiddin ya

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You're also going to need a power supply to the powered sub or the amp (something hefty like 4 gauge cable from the battery to the amp, then from the amp to a sturdy point on the chassis to earth it).


Lastly, you'll need a small wire from the head unit to the amp or powered sub to turn it on or off when the head unit turns on or off. You'll usually get an extra wire on car stereo RCA kits or leads specifically for this purpose.


I'd also have a look in the head unit manual - it usually has diagrams showing you how to wire a sub up :)

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