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Removing GPS antena

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Got a GPS or phone aerial on the rear window of my Corrao that i want to remove. Problem is will there be a hole in the glass?? There is a screw in connection on the base thats inside the car.


Dont want to try to remove it incase i break it and there is a hole. Looks like its just stuck on tho.


Any adivce / suggestions would great.





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I'm no expert but AFAIK there won't be a hole in the glass... the inside and out side bits mearly have to be stuck to the glass opposite eachother for the signal to pass between them.


Like I say I could be worng but am pretty sure I'm not :D



Failing that and there is a hole I'd have thought it would be easy enough to fill it with a srcew and some sealant!?!



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If it breaks or has a hole in the glass, I've got a complete Ice Grey Violet Tailgate you can have. If you can collect that is. Get some pis up chief, or am I going to have to pop in to see you?

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Its very unlikely to go through a hole in the glass, the rear screen is toughened glass and doesnt like being drilled, and an installer would be very reluctant to do it as it would greatly weaken the glass, its most likely just a self adhesive antenna on the outside and a self adhesive pickup coil on the inside, most screens with holes in them for antenna's where drilled before the toughening process was carried out to avoid them shattering into tiny pieces.

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ideal, il hav a go at pulling it off today. Al get some pics up soon Grim. Thats me part time now so only workin 2days a week :) . Going back to Uni on Monday!!! You got any other bits kicking about for the C??


Cheers for the advice!



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Yeah - no hole - just head up a bit and twist from side to side, use a glass scrapper to get the rest off being carefull on the inside becuase of the heater...

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Good to hear matey. I've got some ramdom bits of trim, a pretty much complete early dash all in grey and some other odds and sods kicking around. Did you VR?

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