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HELP! Locked valve caps

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Well, I am in a right paddy about these bloody valve caps. They don't move and I've tried WD, heating them up and generally swearing loudly at them and still nothing. Anybody got any suggestions as to get them off without ruining the tyre? Could I hacksaw through the rubber bit? As you can see its already pretty knackered from me trying to stop them moving with mole grips.


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Neil.Do they have a tiny hole on the side somewhere for a key?


Otherwise...best bet is to have a tyre place remove the tyre/chop the valve off and replace really. :(



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Nah, there's no hole, just a big lump of solid metal.

Had thought of going to a garage, but would like to avoid spending money till absolutely necessary.

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This happened to me.

I used a broken hacksaw blade and cut a slot on one side of the valve cap. (Against the grain of the thread)

Then I inserted a large screwdriver and twisted. This released the cap enough to be unscrewed properly and then throw the bugger out.

I always use grease when putting alloy caps on steel valves now so it doesn't happen again.

Hope this helps.


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