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GTI wont start... fixed :-)

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Ok after putting the golf back together i had the battery on charge, thats charged so i thought reat i'll start her up and make sure its all good... :shock: it wont start


literally the lights are on but nobodys home! i've checked the fuses and they're fine but its like the vehicle is imobilised... but the alarms been disconected ages ago! along time before i took it off the road!


It wont even turn over its like theres somekind of electrical problem but i have no idea theres an earth cable i think from the block thats cracked off but i'm pretty sure that was broken before as i had it on my scuttle panel.


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated,





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check the connection and it apears all good, just tried the corrado battery in there jst in case and it still doesnt work, when turned to the 'on' position the fuel guage works, registers about 3/4 full tank, cooling warning comes on but each time i try it the clock seems to be on 00:00

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maybe the ignition switch is kaput ?? can you not run a live to the starter motor from the battery ?? could be a dodgy coil maybe ?? try and see if there are any connections that look weak/manky in the engine bay.

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right i'd missed off an earth from the back of the starter motor so now i'm getting a clicking relay sound? i'll go try the direct live now... back in a few

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ha ha hadnt tightened up the live feed from the battery


it runs... like a bag of shite... but it runs, just have to treat it to a bit of a service at the weekend.


cheers stoney, much appreciated 8)

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well done mate.


:lol: note to self... dont try and reassemble cars in the dark... its far to easy to miss things!

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i have trouble doing it in the daytime, i disconnected the wiring from the starter motor when i was fitting a boost pipe back on a while back, took me 2 hours to figure out why the car wouldnt start! dumbass!

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i have trouble doing it in the daytime, i disconnected the wiring from the starter motor when i was fitting a boost pipe back on a while back, took me 2 hours to figure out why the car wouldnt start! dumbass!


easily done, it was only a few bolts that needed tightening really this time, bar the one earth that was floating in space it was all attached, just not making contact!


i remember fitting some coily's a while back and i thought... o bugger these new top mounts are shagged as the whole suspension assy could hinge in and out... then i relaised i forgot to tighten the lower strut-to-hub bolts :oops: felt like a proper tit but i suppose it's all part of the fun!

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Note to self... don't let Andy work on my car!


Good job matey..


sod off jon :lol: you try seeing a black cable in the dark when your torch is running out! mucho funnio :D

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