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remote start

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Think Dub_nut_g60 has on his G60...


Indeed i do!!!


It can be a god send in the winter, means i can start the car in the morning and it will defrost itself (and wake up the whole town in the process!)


Mine is an add on to a Clifford Concept 300. Its rigged so that i have to push 2 buttons on the remote before turning the ignition off. Then get out and lock the car and engine turns off.


You can start the car and leave the alarm fully armed, then when you unlock it it will cut the engine if you dont turn the ignition on when you touch the brake pedal (would of preferred it on the clutch though!)


Its also a great laugh making old people jump, or seeing people look very confused!

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who did ya get 2 fit that?? :D


Got it done by GAP security, the alarm was already in the car, they just added the remote start so cant comment on how a full install would go, but i was very impressed with the guys work

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I think you specifically need a Clifford if thats what you have then good.


Then it comes down to using 1 auxillary output on the alarm, depending which model alarm you have ill determine how many auxillaries you have, so if its a lower model you will have 1 most likely, so alls good if nothing has already been added as an extra along the lines, like blackjax for example. (which is cool as well)


Last i heard it was £200 a couple of years ago.

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Ive got this on 2 of my cars at the moment and its a nightmare. If I crouch or sit down with my keys in pocket sometimes the cars starts up! I have done it so many times. Ive left it in gear on the odd occasion (doesnt have the correct sensors fitted) as well, scary, on one occassion the car was jacked up and I was removing a wheel! Loads of times I have popped out of work to find the cars been running for half hour or so! It is not thatcham approved and you can see why. It was originally designed for auto aswell. NOT RECOMMENDED.

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I was going to say that as well that it will invalidate any thatcham category, yes it should have a gear sensor so it will not start if left in gear, why dont you go and see a reputable dealer and get them to set the remote buttons for the remote start so you have to press 2 buttons to start it as that will drastically reduce the chances of it starting on random occasions when you have the keys in the pocket.

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Last time I looked into the sensors and fitting was £175. I would rather spend that on the engine :D . It is possible to set it all up before you leave the car so the can be started by remote the next time but neither are like that. Ive had it on loads of cars in the past and only one has ever been done properly. The appeal soon wears off trust me.

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Also consider that VW state in the manual that from a cold start you should "drive off immediately" for a reason - the pistons just plain don't fit till the engine is warm, so bringing the engine up to temperature *at idle* every morning from ice cold cuts 10s of ks off the engine's lifetime. If you rev it a little instead, the pistons' inertia takes care of much of the damaging oscillation that can happen at low revs.

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Also consider that VW state in the manual that from a cold start you should "drive off immediately" for a reason - the pistons just plain don't fit till the engine is warm, so bringing the engine up to temperature *at idle* every morning from ice cold cuts 10s of ks off the engine's lifetime. If you rev it a little instead, the pistons' inertia takes care of much of the damaging oscillation that can happen at low revs.


No way!!really! i never new about that!!!

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varied opinions on these alarms, i had the clifford 950 and hated it, a right waste of money, remote start had its entertainment value for the first 15 or 20 mins then it just went from bad to worse.


Gap fitted mine and tbh i was quite disappointed in the quality of service and the fitting quality, wires just randomly kicking about and i had to have a new remote start unit fitted. this took 3 phone calls to get em to come and look at it. for the first 2 all i got was "They dont go faulty". then they tried to charge me for the call out, even tho the alarm was less than 3 months old. Even with a new box fitted it just randomly went onto diesel start mode (so it gives it about 10-15 secs before firing the engine up to allow for glow plugs).


So from my personal experiences I will never have another clifford, will never use Gap again. By the time i sold the car (an entire 18 months after having the remote start fitted) it crapped out again but just couldnt be bothered to have to pay for it fixing, so sold the car with it there but not working

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In the 5 years i have had my clifford not 1 problem apart from the contacts on the valet switch going, free every time to get a new fitted.


My mrs clifford on her 55 polo has been back twice but thats down to the car not the alarm or installation.


Gap are crap from what i have heard on the old grapevine.

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perhaps its the fitting of the unit thats to be blamed and not the equipment, afaik the actual alarms have lifetime warrenty?? but from the experience i had i wouldnt opt to go for a clifford and definatly wouldnt recomend GAP to anyone

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Also consider that VW state in the manual that from a cold start you should "drive off immediately" for a reason - the pistons just plain don't fit till the engine is warm, so bringing the engine up to temperature *at idle* every morning from ice cold cuts 10s of ks off the engine's lifetime. If you rev it a little instead, the pistons' inertia takes care of much of the damaging oscillation that can happen at low revs.



well that makes my decision for me! no remote start it is.


about time i read the manual too... :D

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I cant recommend Clifford enough.


Somebody once said to me they hate fitting Cliffords because there are too many wires, now surely the more the merrier as it is a more complicated system so in theory it makes it harder to steal IMHO, now if an installer is saying its too much like hard work then what kind of job are thay going to do?


Hence why so many people complain Clifford are poop and go off randomly, complicated to install so get thrown in badly and no amount of setting up adjusting will sort it out, unless everything is turned right down then what protection will that give you. Go figure.


We all have our preferences like with wheels and there is no definate right answer to whats better generally, all i can say is any system fitted badly will be poo. You get what you pay for.

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Has anybody done it on a VR6 layout? Its getting cold and Its time to fit a remote start kit into the thing. The Clifford 650 Mk II works a dream and I deliberately left in a spur and splice so I could fit a remote start when I had the time.


Except that I've just realised - like most of ours, mine's got a manual shift, and from time to time I have left the darn thing in gear and walked away. I notice that DEI does a remote start manual shift neutral module, but......

- has anybody tried, or studied how, to fit a neutral position sensor on a VR6/O2A gearbox (ie the standard 'rado vr6 layout)?

- did it work?

- would you recommend it?

- would you pass on how you did it?

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the clifford one you had to "set up " before you left there car




You pressed a cobination of buttons before you left - took the keys out of the ignition which left the car running.

got out and shut the door. then lock it with the keyfob and this turned off the car and set the alarm. when you come back simply press one of the buttons and it fires it up. this means you simply cannot leave it in gear or it would stall before you got out :)


some of the cheapo ones can be just started up using a button which means you could set it off when its in gear! - o dear not good!

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the clifford one you had to "set up " before you left there car

I do have an intellistart iv for that purpose, except that I'd prefer to have it also sense neutral. Anybody know anybody who has a "neutral" sensor for a gearbox? Some say there are sensors which can be glued to the bottom of the stick...

Suggestions anybody?

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You got to grips with it all Andy as you never posted back up, does all what i said previously now make sense lol.

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