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Gearbox issue after rebuild

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Looking for some help in identifying the possible cause of a noise that has recently developed in the gearbox area after a gearbox rebuild.


A week after the rebuild I noticed bearing chatter/squeal coming from the gearbox side of the engine which could be heard quite clearly when idling as well as driving. Over the last week the noise has reduced in volume but is still apparent. The strange thing is when the clutch is depressed the noise disappears, shortly after releasing it returns. The clutch was replaced at the same time as the rebuild.


I appreciate it hard to diagnose odd noises without hearing it in person, but any ideas as to what could be causing this noise?


Added a Sound Clip in the hope that might help. Its quite a high toned sound thats most noticable at a coupe of points.

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Sounds like it could be a dodgy release bearing. See if you can feel it through the pedal as you take the weight up....


Gear change is far better I suppose though?? :)

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