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schrick 248s or 268s the differance and part numbers!!!!

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i have bought some wat are the differance and does any 1 know the part numbers 2 tell the differance between the 2 please help as i have asked 1 paticular vw tuning company and they tried 2 tell me that the 248s diddnt even exist and that my cams must be 268 but i am assured that they arnt can any one help with this please

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Well... 248's are preferable if you've dropped the compression and fitted forced induction. 268's are more for NA tuning.

The rest of your question is far to vague to give a proper answer

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does any 1 know the part numbers for the 2 differant cams being the 248 and the 268 i need the full part numbers off the end of the shafts cheers

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I asked this question when I was selling my 268s. The part number on the cam does not indicate its type as I believe schrick make them from origional untouched cam blanks. Not regrounds. You can find out what they are by the numbers stamped on the locking end of them. Mine were hard to make out but were there. I know the last bit of info is accurate if they are genuine.

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Phone vince at stealth, they are 248s :?


I take it these are the ones you sold Shaun? They'll definitely be 248 SCs.


Differences between 268 and 248, other than duration, is lift and overlap. Forced induction cams need less overlap to stop boost being wasted.

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thank you peeps especially shaun for selling me some great goodies for good price and being a perfect salesman b4 and after sale you have answered my qs it was because of 1 perticular vw tuning company that gave me bad advioce AND SAID THAT THEY DONT EVEN EXIST MADE ME A BIT PARANOID THANKS ALL FROM MALC 8) 8) 8)

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