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Building A Buggy!

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Aaaaaages ago, my old man and I had a cracking wheeze of building a buggy/go kart from scratch. The intial plan was for a basic chassis,no suspension and a lawnmower engine as a power pack. The build has evolved over the years, and it's a bit different. Power is now from a 2CV mid mounted engine, with independant front and rear suspension. Ok, not the most powerful engine ever built, but bear in mind the weight, ie none, and the fact your arse will be abount 4 inches off the deck!!!

We only spend a couple of hours every other week or so doing it, but it's been really good fun. We're starting to get close to the finish, with the rear suspension done, and the front nearly finished.

This has been built from scratch using various bit n bobs. The front and rear shocks are from a motor cycle and the engine a complete unit, but everything else has been fabricated. Neither my dad or myself are mechanics/welders etc etc, but are keen to give things a go.

One of the other reasons for it taking so long is we keep changing our minds lol!

I'll bung some pictures up at some point, if anyone's interested.

Cheers for reading

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