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Electric Window Motor Question

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I'm trying to sell my storm at the moment - the day someone is due to view it the passenger window plays up! Nightmare.


It does not move up or down. Thanks to the excellent threads on the forum ive got quite far (in the cold) working out where the issue is.


I've narrowed it down to the motor / mechanism. The symtoms is that it neither goes up or down. The controller box clicks happily and ive confirmed that 12volts is delivered to the motor when you press either switch (there's a passenger switch on the drives side too) but no life from the motor. My dad says he can hear a click from the motor area when i press the switch - but nothing else.


Anyone experienced this? Is there any part of the motor that can be serviced / replaced / cleaned? Next step would be to get the mechanism out but thought id see if anyone could shed any light on this.


Why do these happens just when your selling!

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