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Low oil warning...

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I'm driving home yesterday, and the oil light starts blinking and a horrible beeping sound starts going off. This seemed totally off to me, since i had just checked the oil the day before while i was fueling up. So, i pulled off the highway and checked the oil. As I suspected the oil was dead on, not low at all. So, i started the car back up, and no oil warning. I pulled out the parking lot and it happend again! But this time it stopped after about 3 seconds, and did not happen again so far. Anyone have this type of problem before?

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Sounds like either a dodgy oil pump or a dodgy oil pressure sensor/wiring to the sensor...


I'm pretty certain that the beeper only sounds when you've got very low oil pressure being detected by the sensor (or the wire's broken!)


what engine has your Corrado got? It'll make the replies more relevent to your problem... 8)

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My old mkII golf 16v did the same thing, the sensor on the oil filter mount broke down. If you have the same problem, remove the plug and you might see some oil residue round it. New one needed if so.


I think the sensor is supposed to be closed to earth when the oil pressure is good. If the alarm sounds constantly now, remove the connector and short it to earth. If the alarm stops its the sensor, if not it could be the cable.

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Had you previously been driving fast round corners. In my G60 i found if i went round a roundabout a coupl eof times at speed, the oil warning went off. I think the centrifugal effect drains the oil away from the sensor??? :?

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Had you previously been driving fast round corners. In my G60 i found if i went round a roundabout a coupl eof times at speed, the oil warning went off. I think the centrifugal effect drains the oil away from the sensor??? :?


No I'm afraid it means the centrifugal effect drains oil away from the oil pump.... something you need to be especially careful of in the 16V.



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