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Possible Alternator?

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Right got the car the other week and its been fine, i then put my Kenwood Hu in and my amp and a sub and since this ( dunno if its anything to do with it, the wiring is all fine). the car seems to loose power, i dont mean pulling power i mean electrical power, twice on the way home from Brid it cut out as if there wasnt enuff electrical power, and tonight in the car when i drive along if i sometimes indicate the stereo goes off and starts again like its been turned off and if i flash full beam it does the same, there feels like there is a slight power short. I was wondering if anyone has had this before and what they did to fix it. I have a feeling it might be the alternator, i have fitted a new battery because the bloke who had it before me had to keep it on charge because it was going flat ( lack of driving it!) so i just put a new one on.


Think im gonna go get an alternator test done this week sometime when i get chance. Anyone kno rough prices on a new alternator or can the brushes just be changed on them like i kno they can on some cars :)



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Pretty sure there's a number of threads with "how to test your alternator" in .. You just need a voltmeter.

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just didnt kno if anyone had had any previous problems that were similar or the same, someone else said it could be the earth lead thats fubar, will have to check that aswell :p

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ok it did it again a few times tonight? anyone know what sort of tolerance the standard alternator has? is it powerful enough to power the engine and then a sub/amp dvd screen on top or does it need to be upgraded with something off a derv?? or has anyone had any problems that are similar?


its just weird it will be fine but then the stereo will jsut cut out, or the engine lights will flash on and the abs light will flicker. strange????

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Depends on your amps ..

Most VRs have an alternator in the 70/90/120 amp range. Do the maths on your amplifiers.

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now just to make it uber messed up, its doing it without the stereo facia connected which means that only the car is running, the worst bit is it never did it before i put the stereo in, gonna try disconnecting the subs and try it see what happens, :), btw can any1 post a pic up of how they have there amp cable connected to there battery?, i have just had a thought and i think it may be the battery cable earthing out on the bonnet! will have to look into it :p

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Removing the stereo's fascia does not disconnect it from the power! If it's only happening since the stereo went in, remove the stereo and triple check every wire ..

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no but it warrents out the stereo is draining too much power whislt running :) thats wqhat i mean, more than anything its bloody annoying when it keeps cutting out halfway through a decent track

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And I'm saying it doesn't mean that the stereo isn't the cause of the problem..!


The stereo could still be shorting somewhere.

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Right got the car the other week and its been fine, i then put my Kenwood Hu in and my amp and a sub and since this ( dunno if its anything to do with it, the wiring is all fine). the car seems to loose power, i dont mean pulling power i mean electrical power, twice on the way home from Brid it cut out as if there wasnt enuff electrical power, and tonight in the car when i drive along if i sometimes indicate the stereo goes off and starts again like its been turned off and if i flash full beam it does the same, there feels like there is a slight power short. I was wondering if anyone has had this before and what they did to fix it. I have a feeling it might be the alternator, i have fitted a new battery because the bloke who had it before me had to keep it on charge because it was going flat ( lack of driving it!) so i just put a new one on.


Think im gonna go get an alternator test done this week sometime when i get chance. Anyone kno rough prices on a new alternator or can the brushes just be changed on them like i kno they can on some cars :)




Did you find out what the problem was? I was going for a duff alternator but i thought id ask just incase. Im haveing the exat same symptoms.



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