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ali moore

to V MAX or not to V MAX

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ive been havin greef with the VR stallin just so happened popped in to put some flop in her and all they had was expensive V MAX, well i put a tenners worth in her, lol, well is it all in the mind or what, she hasant stalled since thats 1 week and she has perked up, seems alot more responsive, like i said , is it all in the mind. :?

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No, I've had this out with my girlfriend. It defo isn't in the mind. The one time I put anything less than 97 in my G60 it ran like a one legged cat. Even though they're meant to be ok on 95. My (soon to be old) G60 is old and strange.

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just be thankful you guys have a choice. Here in Guinness land, 'Super Un-leaded' or 95. That's it.


The aul fella put a full tank of your V Power/Max stuff in his 911 when he brought it over to UK a while back, and claims it runs noticably worse on Irish flop :D


for the record, given the choice, i'd put the good stuff in every day of the week......which I'd end up doing anyway :lol:

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V-goodness every time. It may be more expensive but its much better for the car, I only ever put in about 20-25 quid a time so it doesn't feel so bad, plus you're not lugging all that extra weight in fuel around.

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