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Danny B

Rad leak

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sorted, finished job this morning, gonna give it a long run this arvo and make sure its all a ok........just to point out for others reading this thread, i did in the end manage to remove and replace rad without removing bumper and slam panel, think the full on job is probably a better way to go but if anyone has issues removing main bolts for bumper like me, then it can be done without removing it all.


hope that made sense, fingers cross shes ok now, will let you know.



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quick update,


took the car out and at first she overheated, so turned on the heater full blast and took off the filler cap to get rid of the air lock.....toped her back up and been fine since, holding temp and fan kicking in when needed......result !!!


thanks guys for the encouragement to do it myself and all the advice, suppose I just need to wait untill the next problem now......roll on the summer when I can spend more hours under the bonnet.



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