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Sticking tachometer

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Hi all,


My tacho has started sticking... I was quite worried for a moment, as I was speeding up and the engine didn't appear to be changing speed ;o)


Anyone else had this happen and found a good fix? I tried giving it a tap but that didn't free it off... I'm assuming it's a mechanical issue with the movement but is there any chance of it being an electrical problem?


Cheers in advance,



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After a crash mine has been laid up (outside unfortunately) for a few months. I've been starting and driving it every now and again and for a while the speedo was dead but when I was dropping it to be repaired the speedo was fine again but the tacho was jumpy and eventually stopped at around 1500revs. I'm assuming its lack of use or condensation in the internals of the clocks or something like that. I'm not gonna start worrying unless it keeps doing it after I put a few miles on it over the crimbo though.


Is yours in regular use?

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Sounds familiar - I've just got mine back on the road after a year parked up - mostly garaged though. It wasn't *that* bad this morning so maybe it'll free off!


Stoney - the speedo works just fine, it's the tacho that's a bit wonky :o)





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Sounds familiar - I've just got mine back on the road after a year parked up - mostly garaged though. It wasn't *that* bad this morning so maybe it'll free off!


Stoney - the speedo works just fine, it's the tacho that's a bit wonky :o)






hehe-- late night reply, lights were on nobody at home! :lol:

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Might sound a bit odd, but mine did the same thing a few weeks after fitting DDI dials. So i took out the clocks, took off the front, plugged em back in and made a note of the idle speed, switched off, pulled off the needle then put it back on again, gave it a few nudges to make sure it rose and fell again, then plugged in back in and hey presto! Working dials. God knows why though.

The hard part is getting it all back in again without the needles falling off again!

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strange you said this. i noticed mine was sticking ever so slightly last night?, perhaps just a nice christmas present for us lol

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