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Any info / good reading on H+R camber bolts?

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Hi guys..


I had my wheel bearings done last week and the car felt much better but after about two days of driving a lot of the vagueness and slop has returned. I'm fairly convinced now that i'm suffering from the camber bolts just not holding tight enough, loosening off, and knocking the camber out after even a day or so of driving because it felt great from the garage lock to lock but today I feel like when I turn left towards lock I can feel a point where the steering reaches a point and then goes over.. like a sort of tipping point like the weight of the wheel is all wrong, and like everything is just not in alignment. Its hard to describe!


Supercharged suggested H+R camber bolts as he suffered the same problems. Anyone got more info on these? I've got Vince from Stealth coming over tomorrow evening to drop off a computer that needs some TLC so I figured i'd ask him then about prices on them but just wanted some more info / reading and to know whether i'm likely to be barking up the right tree here?


Cheers :)

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Yes I have some at home mate, but I didn't get on with them. The cam part of the bolt is too small meaning the range of adjustment is very small and they don't always hold the strut still either.


The trick is to use new strut bolts from VW which have shouldered slip washers in the nut and bolt so that the bolt tightens without washer movement throwing the camber off, quite nifty, and then tighten them really hard :-)


You can visually see when the camber is off by looking at the front of the car mate.


If the wheel feels like it's 'tipping', that's usually caster related. How are your rear wishbone bushes and top mounts?

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Wishbones as a whole were changed about 5 months ago, and top mounts a year or so ago...


I'm going to be getting the suspension all replaced soon (finally) and will be getting all new bolts so perhaps just new bolts for the bottom of the strut will sort it out.


I can tell the camber is off on the front left side especially.. it definately looks to have a noticable about of positive camber!

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