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dashboard / MkIII Golf dashboard advice urgently needed

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Right folks.... Need as much help as possible here.....


My sister has foolishly (and i have no idea how but i think its ludicrous and want to strangle her) dropped her engangement ring down the back of the dashboard in our aunt's Golf and cant get it back out.


She's in tears and doesnt know what to do. They have tried fidling around with a wire and stuff in the area and cant get it out. I dont know if they even know where it has gone!


She said it fell down the bit right up by the windscreen / tax disc sort of area.


Is it a windscreen out job or dashboard out job? or is there a way to access it from underneath somehow?


Anyone with any advice or knowledge on this, please say something cos as always, its me, who has got to somehow sort this problem out.


Thanks is advance folks.

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Mmm. Not good. You can get a flexible 'claw'. Its like a long spring with a push at the top. Pushing the top makes the 'claw' come out of the bottom which grips hard to whatever you need to pick up. Its flexible too so you should be able to feed it into wherever quite easily.

Otherwise, if its dropped down the back, can you not ust pull the glovebox out and have a rummage? Dont know the Golf dash very well but i dont think it will be a major issue. If its gone into the vent duct, again get access to the vent fan and pull the hose out. OR, if you remove the vent grill it may blow out running the fan at full speed directed up at the windscreen.


Hope that helps.

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thanks for the advice. they took it to a local mechanic and he sorted it in about 5 minutes. thanks again. panic over!

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