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Both sidelights not working!!!

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Hi peeps,


Could someone help out with my problem. I have recently made and fitted a new headlight loom( Dip and Full beam). All seemed fine, disconnected dim-dip etc and worked as advertised :) . Bought and fitted some new Philips advance +`s. Since doing this I have lost power only at the sidelights!!!


Checked the supply voltage at the headlight connector on each headlight and I`m getting 0 volts when sidelights selected. I know its not the fuses as the tail lights are on :(


Any ideas please.





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I Will give that a try.They were working fine one day and then not the next!!! The curse of the Rado strikes again.Will post a reply when issue rectified :?


Cheers Stu

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Well today stripped the battery out and checked over all the headlight upgrade loom I fitted. Unfortunately everything looked fine,checked all the connections and bulb fittings nothing disconnected or shorting out :( .


I checked the voltage again with dim-dip connected and I`m getting 12V at the sidelights.But as soon as I disconnect the dim-dip plug the supply is 0 V at the sidelights. I know with the engine running it puts the dip lights on,(which it does do)but I cant see why this should affect the sidelight supply. Surely it would just supply the dip circuit and not remove from sidelight circuit?


Does anyone have a wiring diagram or advise any other gremlin that is causing this :?


I know the Headlight switch is prime suspect,(Thanks James) which I`ll change when I can get one,If anyone has a spare kicking about gathering dust drop me a line and I`ll buy it.


Thanks for any advice its driving me mad

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Start from the begining,remove or disconect the "uprated" headlamp loom.


So if you go to the main plug on the light switch(or the four wires) and check feeds one at a time,you get..



12v side light live (put the h/l switch on side)

12v dipped live (then switch to h/l main)

12v main beam live. ( then flick the stalk to main beam)


So how many lives do you have with the resistor connected and unconnected?


Is the plug on the headlight loom incorrectly assembled?

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I have a similar problem I also did my own uprated loom(courtsey of this august forum) but just for the dipped beam side of things ,now I find I have no sidelights at all, on the switch they go straight to dipped on both clicks BUT when I turn the ignition OFF the sidelights magically reappear.


Can anyone solve this little mystery and can you give me a clue if the properly uprated loom is still available.



Ta muchly

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Well after much invest found the cause of my problem!!! :? Both my sidelight blew the bulbs at the same time and my battery went in the multimeter so got some weird reading!!! After 5 mins with a new battery in and new bulbs all is fine!!! Wot a plonker!!! Basics,basics basics!!!!! Thanks guys for all the advice on this thread. 8)



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