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anti-roll bar fun!!!!!!!

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took my car down to the local dealer to see if they could help with a very frustrating knocking noise at parking speeds in car parks and pulling away, they (too my surprise) took it in there and then and stuck it on a ramp he gave the whole car a good look over (suspension, wishones, drive shafts etc ) and said the only thing it could be was the connecting arm on the end of the anti-roll bar the rubber had perished badly :? after a good search with the parts man they came up with it £49 quid each, no thanks gsf £39 for the two thankyou very much and they the stealer did'nt charge me for there time :D anyway nipped down to gsf this morning and got them both and managed to change passenger side this morning drivers to be done on thursday not to much of a hassle and only a couple of bruises. i just hope it sorts the noise otherwise i have no idea!! it's got new wishbones, bushes etc but when on full lock or very uneven ground thers a deffinate knock noise like a stiff ball joint or somethin ( there ok as well !!) any one had this prob :D

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just a thought but could it be engine mounts there is about 1/4 inch movement underload!!!!!

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.25 inch engine movement isn't too bad.

Noises when on full lock might be the CV joint - does it get worse/better under engine load or while coasting?

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when i'm going you don't hear athing it's only when manouvering/pulling away from 1st to 2nd or on really uneven pot holey ground!!! it sounds like a sticky ball joint pooping round it's cup but as i said they are both fine thats just the best i can explain :!: :? also out of interest how much are new cv joints!!!!

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surely no with the amount of miles i do around 8-9000 a year they will be fine :?

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No idea about the CV joint price. Could be expensive, it's a fairly complex piece of hardware... And let's face it, everything's expensive - it's a VW!! :(

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no worries thanx for the help anyways :D



would you recommend the stealers for cv joints or are there a cheaper option, and i'll let you know if my other parts crack (hope not reallty hope not) :D

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The first thing that comes to my mind is top mounts... :? They can crash around and cause all manner of weird and wacky bangs and crashes when they're on the way out...


Good news is that they're not too expensive or difficult to do.... Slightly labour intensive, and you need to get the tracking done afterwards, but nothing anyone who can use a spanner can't handle... 8)

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any chance these have to be done when the suspension was replaced cos that is a brand new 40mm spax set-up, chances are they have'nt knowing my luck but i had'nt thought of that cheers :D

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i got new cv joints from gsf, 35 notes each side i think it was and they are still sweet, i would recommend changin the ball joints my car was makin the sort of noises that you are describin and then it popped out! made things a bit interestin, so i would change them any way 9 notes each from gsf and i did them both in about 2 hours peice of piss really, good luck bud

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well replaced both the ends now and took the car for a spin, it has solved most of the problem and improved the handling no end it has made the front end fell so much more planted and it feels so much more solid. there is a small noise when going over rough ground but theres nothing when on full lock and on normal roads so i'm happy with that :) and to top it off put my new grill on and went to the stealers to get a new badge at 15 quid and the the parts guy gave it to me for free which put an even bigger smile on my face, it's a good day today :D

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I've never had to buy a new CV joint so I couldn't comment, I always have spares lying around.


Saying that, I have sheared the threded end off one using slicks at Santa Pod!

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slicks and santa pod now that sounds like fun i have only been to santa pod once when i was about 11 12 and had a great day out but must admit would'nt mind going again :D

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