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Saint Tricky

Alloy wheel damaged. Claim from Council?

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A very large hole has appeared in my road which I managed to drive into when it was dark.

My nearside alloy wheel has been badly kerbed, is there any way I can put a claim in to the council?



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What sort of road is it?


Has anyone reported the pothole to the council.


Basically the council's defence is that if they don't know about a pothole, they cannot repair it, so it's not their fault. Which seems harsh from someone with a knackered wheel's perspective I know.

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They will generally only pay out for holes in "major" roads these days. No chance they'll pay up for a little side street being like no man's land in WW 1.

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Sorry I didn't reply earlier. I didn't get any notifications of your replies and forgot about the topic. Probably something I did wrong.

I did get some pictures of the hole but after speaking to a friend who works for the council my chances are not good.

At the end of the day it's only a kerbed wheel, it's still true and straight.

I was livid when it occured but can't really fault the council as it happened the morning after we had a huge rainfall which created the hole and the road was completely under water albeit only 2 inches. It was lucky it wasn't dry as I would have been driving much faster and some real damage could have happened.

I've calmed down now, might have to get them refurbed in the summer and maybe look for some winter rims.

Cheers for your help.


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